Model Penanganan Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima : (Studi Kasus Relokasi PKL Citarum ke Pasar Waru di Kota Semarang)


  • - Hasan
  • Suwignyo Rahman



The existence on street hawkers increase fastly in line with economic crisis and reformation. This situation need to be managed. The policy of street hawkers settlement in Semarang has been ruled in local or regional law. One of this policy implementation was Citarum street hawkers relocation from Citarum street to the Pasar Waru. This relocation has been done orderly, unlike another street hawkers relocation which oftentimes generate oposition between street hawkers and local government.
The aim of this research was to get the whole description and chronology of Citarum street hawkers relocation case to the Pasar Waru; to analyze the relocation process and important lessons that can be taken from good or bad practices from street hawkers relocation case; and to make policy recomendation of street hawker settlement model. This was a descriptif-qualitatif research. Data and information was got from interview and mass-media information.
Conclutions and recomendations of this research were: the relocation of street hawkers to the market (Pasar Waru) was good and visionary policy. But it should be continued with adequate facility from government to support the prospect of street hawkers in new location. Relocation process need a persuasive and dialogist methods which can develop mutually understanding between government, street hawkers, and society around, in order to improve settlement, orderlines, and prosperity. It’s also need a sistematic and consistent straighthening law in street hawker management system
Keywords: Street hawker, relocation policy.





