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External causes such as UV exposure cause more severe skin damage than internal factors, hence it is essential to utilize cosmeceutical treatments containing AHAs such as glycolic acid. Because using glycolic acid without modification or monitoring might cause skin irritation, a molecular compound of glycolic acid-chitosan is created in a gel preparation with a xanthan gum foundation to improve consumer comfort and effectiveness. The goal of this study was to create a molecular complex gel of glycolic acid and chitosan (AG-CS) with varying xanthan gum concentrations and conduct irritation testing. Xanthan gum, as a base, influences viscosity and pH, both of which are connected to customer acceptance. Gel formulations with varying concentrations of xanthan gum F1 (0.75%), F2 (1.0%), and F3 (1.5%) were examined for preparation properties. Organoleptic data, homogeneity, pH, and irritation were all examined descriptively. Viscosity, spreadability, and adhesion were all studied using linear regression. The irritation test was performed by examining erythema and edema in rabbits for 24, 48, and 72 hours. AG-KS molecular complex gel has a rose scent, is white to thick white, and is uniform. The gel's pH is F1 (5.28), F2 (5.92), and F3 (6.18). Increasing the concentration of xanthan gum increases gel viscosity and adhesive power while decreasing spread power. The irritation test on rabbit skin yields a score of 0, indicating that AG-KS molecular complex gel does.

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