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Curcuma xanthorrhiza that contain of curcumin and essential oil make the taste isn’t
delicious. Syrup form can cover the lack of the flavor. The study aimed to describe the results of
the physical stability test and hedonic test of Curcuma syrup. It was an experimental research by
analyzing the physical stability and hedonic quality of Curcuma syrup. Physical stability test was
done by storing the syrup at a temperature of 400
C for 8 weeks, analyzing the organoleptic,
viscosity and acidity (pH) every 2 weeks. 55 of 4th
semester students, Jamu Department,
Polytechnic of Surakarta, 2014/2015Â act as a semi-trained panelists in a hedonic test. The results
concluded that the viscosity of syrup which was originally ± 190 decreased in storage for 2
weeks to ± 170 and finally stabilized to week 8th
. The acidity degree  stable at pH 4. The Â
organoleptics were no change,   it was brownish yellow, a distinctive smell of curcuma, citrus
flavor   and texture rather thick. The panelists’ assessment against the syrup was 70.91% of
panelists liked the scent, 78.18% of panelists liked the taste, 85.46% of panelists liked the texture
and 83.64% panelists liked the color of syrup.
Keywords: Curcuma, Syrup, physical stability, hedonic
Curcuma xanthorrhiza that contain of curcumin and essential oil make the taste isn’t
delicious. Syrup form can cover the lack of the flavor. The study aimed to describe the results of
the physical stability test and hedonic test of Curcuma syrup. It was an experimental research by
analyzing the physical stability and hedonic quality of Curcuma syrup. Physical stability test was
done by storing the syrup at a temperature of 400
C for 8 weeks, analyzing the organoleptic,
viscosity and acidity (pH) every 2 weeks. 55 of 4th
semester students, Jamu Department,
Polytechnic of Surakarta, 2014/2015Â act as a semi-trained panelists in a hedonic test. The results
concluded that the viscosity of syrup which was originally ± 190 decreased in storage for 2
weeks to ± 170 and finally stabilized to week 8th
. The acidity degree  stable at pH 4. The Â
organoleptics were no change,   it was brownish yellow, a distinctive smell of curcuma, citrus
flavor   and texture rather thick. The panelists’ assessment against the syrup was 70.91% of
panelists liked the scent, 78.18% of panelists liked the taste, 85.46% of panelists liked the texture
and 83.64% panelists liked the color of syrup.
Keywords: Curcuma, Syrup, physical stability, hedonic