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Telah dilakukan penelitian formulasi tablet kunyah kalsium laktat dengan menggunakan
HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose) sebagai bahan pengikat menggunakan metoda granulasi
basah. Pada penelitian ini dibuat empat formula (FI, FII, FIII, dan FIV) dengan perbedaan
konsentrasi bahan pengikat yaitu 1%, 2%, 3%, dan 4%. Evaluasi granul tablet kunyah meliputi
organoleptis, kandungan air, kecepatan alir, sudut istirahat, bobot jenis nyata, bobot jenis mampat,
bobot jenis benar, porositas, faktor hausner, dan kompresibilitas memberikan hasil yang memenuhi
persyaratan. Evaluasi tablet kunyah meliputi organoleptis, keseragaman bobot, kekerasan,
kerapuhan tablet dan penetapan kadar kalsium laktat memenuhi persyaratan, sedangkan
keseragaman ukuran belum memenuhi persyaratan. Hasil uji  terhadap panelis dari keempat
formula secara statistik dengan menggunakan metoda  Kruskal-Wallis  dari segi rasa FII lebih
disukai dari pada FI, FIII, dan FIV.
Kata kunci : (HPMC), Kalsium Laktat, Tablet Kunyah
Various formulations of the calcium  lactate chewable tablets have been done by wet
granulation method using HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose) as a binding agent. Here,
four formulations (FI, FII, FIII, and FIV) were prepared by adding different concentrations of
binding agent, it was 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%. Granules of chewable tablets were qualified based on
evaluations for parameters such as organoleptic, water content, flowrate, angle of repose, real
density, tapped density, bulk density, Hausner’s ratio, and compressibility index. Chewable tablets
evaluations for organoleptic, weight variation, hardness, friability, and determinations of calcium
lactate content were within the acceptance criteria, but not for its size variation. The result of
panelists test of the four formulations by using Kruskal-Wallis method statistically which in terms
of taste obtained FII is preferred than FI, FIII, and FIV.
Keywords : HPMC, calsium lactate, tablets

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