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Avocado’s leaves and Curcuma xanthorrizarhizoma contain compounds of flavonoids,
alcaloids,triterpenoids and curcumin, where the compounds are effective as antidiabetic agents.
This study aims to prove the effect of antidiabetic combination of extracts on insulin resistence
type-2 diabetic rats then to compare it with a single extract.
This research used pre-test and post-test control group design. The 30 test animals were
divided into two treatment groups. Five control groups of rats were they given 1,25 mL
aquabides/KgBW/day, and 25 rats were divided into five groups and given were given 1,8 IU
insulin/KgBW/day for 14 days. Group I was control of 12,5 mL CMC-Na/KgBW/day 0,5%, group
II was positive control of 150 mg metformin/KgBW/day, group III was avocado’s leaves extract,
group IV was extract of Curcuma xanthorriza rhizoma, and group V was combination extract. The
extracts of group III-V were given the same dose, that was given 200 mg/KgBW/day for 14 days.
The meansurement of antidiabetic effect was done by comparing the GDP value of rats before and
after treatment. The GDP concentrations of rats were analyzed using T-paired testand Wilxocon
test, whereas the comparative data of percentage GDP decrease was tested using Kruskall Wallis
test then followed by Mann-Whitney test.
The results showed that the effect of antidiabetic combination of extract in insulin
resistence type-2 diabetic rats as the percentage GDP decrease was 22.03%. The effect of
decreasing GDP concentration at the ratio of 1:1 extract did not differ significantly with the single
extract of 200 mg Curcuma xanthorrizarhizoma/KgBW/day.
Keywords: Avocado’s leaves, Curcuma xanthorriza rhizoma, Antidiabetic effect test, Comparison
combination of both extracts with single extract.
Avocado’s leaves and Curcuma xanthorrizarhizoma contain compounds of flavonoids,
alcaloids,triterpenoids and curcumin, where the compounds are effective as antidiabetic agents.
This study aims to prove the effect of antidiabetic combination of extracts on insulin resistence
type-2 diabetic rats then to compare it with a single extract.
This research used pre-test and post-test control group design. The 30 test animals were
divided into two treatment groups. Five control groups of rats were they given 1,25 mL
aquabides/KgBW/day, and 25 rats were divided into five groups and given were given 1,8 IU
insulin/KgBW/day for 14 days. Group I was control of 12,5 mL CMC-Na/KgBW/day 0,5%, group
II was positive control of 150 mg metformin/KgBW/day, group III was avocado’s leaves extract,
group IV was extract of Curcuma xanthorriza rhizoma, and group V was combination extract. The
extracts of group III-V were given the same dose, that was given 200 mg/KgBW/day for 14 days.
The meansurement of antidiabetic effect was done by comparing the GDP value of rats before and
after treatment. The GDP concentrations of rats were analyzed using T-paired testand Wilxocon
test, whereas the comparative data of percentage GDP decrease was tested using Kruskall Wallis
test then followed by Mann-Whitney test.
The results showed that the effect of antidiabetic combination of extract in insulin
resistence type-2 diabetic rats as the percentage GDP decrease was 22.03%. The effect of
decreasing GDP concentration at the ratio of 1:1 extract did not differ significantly with the single
extract of 200 mg Curcuma xanthorrizarhizoma/KgBW/day.
Keywords: Avocado’s leaves, Curcuma xanthorriza rhizoma, Antidiabetic effect test, Comparison
combination of both extracts with single extract.