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  Staphylococcus aureus is one of the  acne-causing bacteria. 1,8 cineole is the content of
eucalyptus leaves oil which has antibacterial activity Staphylococcus aureus. This research  aimed
to examine the effective consentration of eucalyptus leaves oil as an Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
29213 antibacterial. Eucalyptus leaves oil made in series a concentration of 5%, 7,5% and 10% for
antibacterial activity  test  using the  pitting  diffusion method. Based on the test result of
antibacterial activity gained an average diameter of inhibition zone eucalyptus leaves oil
successively 1,286 cm; 1,424 cm; 1,574 cm. The statistically test  results showed significant
difference in the antibacterial activity of eucalyptus leaves oil in concentrations 5%, 7,5% and
10% to the growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213. Eucalyptus leaves oil has an effective
concentration of 10% as an antibacterial stapgylocuccus aureus and made cream formula. Test of
antibacterial activity obtained resistibility zone diameter 1,136 cm. The result of t-test indicated
that cream formula has significant effect on antibacterial activity.
Keywords: Eucalyptus leaves oil, antibacterial effectivity, cream.

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