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The tannins contained in areca nut extract can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. To facilitate the use of betel seed extract as an antibacterial, it was formulated into an edible film with a concentration of 2.5%, 3% and 3.5%. Making edible films using solvent casting method and testing antibacterial activity using blood agar diffusion method. The edible film of areca nut extract made an evaluation included organoleptic, thickness, brittleness, water content, pH, and swelling test. The evaluation results of betel nut edible fim extract showed almost the same characteristics as the edible fim that had been circulating in the market which was used as a comparison. The presence of antibacterial activity from edible pinang seed extract is marked by the formation of clear zones. The test results of antibacterial edible activity of areca nut extract films 2.5%, 3% and 3.5% showed the average diameter of clear zone was 14.96 mm, 15.49 mm and 17.05 mm which were included in the strong category.

Keywords: Areca catechu Linn, antibacterial, edible film, tannin, streptococcus

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