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Counseling is a precious job as known as pharmacists have a provide pharmaceutical services.
Counseling given to the publics for drug therapy, treatment, and the drugs with special dosage form
is very important to increase publics knowledge. The purpose of this study was to increase the
awareness of pharmacists to counseling provide to the public, and increase the public knowledge
when using the drugs with special dosage form in Ketanggungan – Brebes regency. Fifty
respondents who participated in this study with observasional cohort design. The data collection
in pre-test and post-test prospective. Analysis test used is non parametric t test using Wilcoxon
alternative test. The last education status of respondents was dominated by Senior High School and
the monthly visit to the pharmacy was less than five times as 27 respondents. The results obtained
from this study are p = 0.001 and the mean difference is 11.22 with pre-test score mean was 27,54
and post-test was 38,76. There are significant results on the knowledge of the use of drugs with
special dosage form after the pharmacist provides counseling.

Keywords: pharmacist, counsleing, drugs, pharmaceutical care, knowledge

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