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- Anas, Y., dan Hatimah, N.A., 2018, Efek antihipertensi ekstrak etanol kombinasi rambut dan biji jagung (Zea mays L.) pada tikus hipertensi yang diinduksi monosodium glutamat, Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik, 15(01), 29–36.
- Apriyani, D., Djamil, M., Kumorowulan, S., 2020, Effectiveness of Chayote extract on lowering blood pressure of post partum hypertension, STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9(2), 801–812.
- DÃaz-de-Cerio, E., Verardo, V., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., and Gómez-Caravaca, A.M., 2019, New insight into phenolic composition of chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.), Food Chemistry, 295, 514–519.
- Fauziah, N.A., Hidajati, K., and Soejoenoes, A., 2019, The effect of chayote extract (Sechium edule) on blood pressure in pregnant women with hypertension, Indonesian Journal of Medisine, 4(3), 266–277
- Fauziningtyas, R., Ristanto, A.C.A., and Makhfudli, 2020, Effectiveness of consumption Sechium edule on decreasing blood pressure in elderly with hypertension in coastal area, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,
- Gaol, R.I.L., 2014, Uji efektivitas ekstrak etanol kulit buah labu siam (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz) sebagai diuretik pada tikus jantan galur wistar (Rattus novergicus), Pharmacon, 3(2), 67-72.
- Gordon, E.A., Gordon, L.J., and Nelson, M., 2000, The antihypertensive effects of the Jamaican Cho-Cho (Sechium edule), West Indian Medical Journal, 49(1), 27–31.
- Lindholm, L., 2002, The problem of uncontrolled hypertension, Journal of Human Hypertension, 16, S3-S8 (2002).
- Loizzo, M.R., Said, A., Tundis, R., Rashed, K., Statti, G.A., Hufner, A., and Menichini, F., 2007, Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) by flavonoids isolated from Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb)(Simaroubaceae), Phytotherapy research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 21(1), 32–36.
- Marliana, S.D., Suryanti, V., and Suyono, 2005, The phytochemical screenings and thin layer chromatography analysis of chemical compounds in ethanol extract of labu siam fruit (Sechium edule Jacq. Swartz.), Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Product Biochemistry, 3(1), 26–31.
- Nunes, M.G.S., Bernardino, A., and Martins, R.D., 2015, Use of medicinal plants by people with hypertension, Rev Rene, 16(6), 775–781.
- Perez-Vizcaino, F., Duarte, J., Jimenez, R., Santos-Buelga, C., and Osuna, A., 2009, Antihypertensive effects of the flavonoid quercetin, Pharmacological Reports, 61(1), 67–75.
- Pratiwi, B.A.M., 2018, Efek antihipertensi ekstrak etanol labu siam (Sechium edule) Swartz. pada tikus hipertensi yang diinduksi monosodium glutamat, Skripsi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang.
- Sudibyo, A., 2010, Ffek jus buah labu siam (Sechium edule swartz.) terhadap tekanan darah normal laki-laki dewasa, Skripsi, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.
- Trejo-Moreno, C., Castro-MartÃnez, G., Méndez-MartÃnez, M., Jiménez-Ferrer, J.E., PedrazaChaverri, J., ArrellÃn, G., Zamilpa, A., Medina-Campos, O.N., Lombardo-Earl, G., BarritaCruz, G.J., Hernández, B., RamÃrez, C.C., Santana, M.A., Fragoso, G., and Rosas, G., 2018, Acetone fraction from Sechium edule (Jacq.) S.w. edible roots exhibits antiendothelial dysfunction activity, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 220, 75–86.
- Yanti, E., 2017, Pengaruh pemberian perasan labu siam (Sechium edule) terhadap tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi, Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika, 8(1), 79–86.
Anas, Y., dan Hatimah, N.A., 2018, Efek antihipertensi ekstrak etanol kombinasi rambut dan biji jagung (Zea mays L.) pada tikus hipertensi yang diinduksi monosodium glutamat, Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik, 15(01), 29–36.
Apriyani, D., Djamil, M., Kumorowulan, S., 2020, Effectiveness of Chayote extract on lowering blood pressure of post partum hypertension, STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 9(2), 801–812.
DÃaz-de-Cerio, E., Verardo, V., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., and Gómez-Caravaca, A.M., 2019, New insight into phenolic composition of chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.), Food Chemistry, 295, 514–519.
Fauziah, N.A., Hidajati, K., and Soejoenoes, A., 2019, The effect of chayote extract (Sechium edule) on blood pressure in pregnant women with hypertension, Indonesian Journal of Medisine, 4(3), 266–277
Fauziningtyas, R., Ristanto, A.C.A., and Makhfudli, 2020, Effectiveness of consumption Sechium edule on decreasing blood pressure in elderly with hypertension in coastal area, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,
Gaol, R.I.L., 2014, Uji efektivitas ekstrak etanol kulit buah labu siam (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz) sebagai diuretik pada tikus jantan galur wistar (Rattus novergicus), Pharmacon, 3(2), 67-72.
Gordon, E.A., Gordon, L.J., and Nelson, M., 2000, The antihypertensive effects of the Jamaican Cho-Cho (Sechium edule), West Indian Medical Journal, 49(1), 27–31.
Lindholm, L., 2002, The problem of uncontrolled hypertension, Journal of Human Hypertension, 16, S3-S8 (2002).
Loizzo, M.R., Said, A., Tundis, R., Rashed, K., Statti, G.A., Hufner, A., and Menichini, F., 2007, Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) by flavonoids isolated from Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb)(Simaroubaceae), Phytotherapy research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 21(1), 32–36.
Marliana, S.D., Suryanti, V., and Suyono, 2005, The phytochemical screenings and thin layer chromatography analysis of chemical compounds in ethanol extract of labu siam fruit (Sechium edule Jacq. Swartz.), Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Product Biochemistry, 3(1), 26–31.
Nunes, M.G.S., Bernardino, A., and Martins, R.D., 2015, Use of medicinal plants by people with hypertension, Rev Rene, 16(6), 775–781.
Perez-Vizcaino, F., Duarte, J., Jimenez, R., Santos-Buelga, C., and Osuna, A., 2009, Antihypertensive effects of the flavonoid quercetin, Pharmacological Reports, 61(1), 67–75.
Pratiwi, B.A.M., 2018, Efek antihipertensi ekstrak etanol labu siam (Sechium edule) Swartz. pada tikus hipertensi yang diinduksi monosodium glutamat, Skripsi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang.
Sudibyo, A., 2010, Ffek jus buah labu siam (Sechium edule swartz.) terhadap tekanan darah normal laki-laki dewasa, Skripsi, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.
Trejo-Moreno, C., Castro-MartÃnez, G., Méndez-MartÃnez, M., Jiménez-Ferrer, J.E., PedrazaChaverri, J., ArrellÃn, G., Zamilpa, A., Medina-Campos, O.N., Lombardo-Earl, G., BarritaCruz, G.J., Hernández, B., RamÃrez, C.C., Santana, M.A., Fragoso, G., and Rosas, G., 2018, Acetone fraction from Sechium edule (Jacq.) S.w. edible roots exhibits antiendothelial dysfunction activity, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 220, 75–86.
Yanti, E., 2017, Pengaruh pemberian perasan labu siam (Sechium edule) terhadap tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi, Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika, 8(1), 79–86.