Main Article Content
Cherry leaves extract contain flavonoids which function as anti-inflammatory can be formed into stick balm preparations. The Stick balm is a preparation in the form of a stick consisting of a mixture of oil, wax and fat with a composition such that it can produce hardness and melting pont of as needed. The different properties of fatty acids in each type of oil can affect the physical properties of the balsam stick preparation in the form of melting point and hardness. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding olive oil, virgin coconut oil, castor oil, jojoba oil on the physical properties of the stick balm of Muntingia calabura L leaf extract. Physical characteristic of stick balm includes organolepti, homogeneity, melting point, hardness, and pH test. The results showed that all formulas met the physical characteristics of stick balms but each formula had differences in melting point, hardness, adhesion, and pH. The formula with the addition of olive oil showed the highest melting points and hardness at 55.3ºC and 8.16 mm. The results of statistical data was sig <0.05. This means that there are differences in melting point and hardness in each equation. Based on obeservations, it was concluded that the addition of vegetable oil to the balsam stick formulation affected the melting point and hardness.
Article Details
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- Yati, K., Putri, L. D., Gantini, S. N, 2018, Minyak jojoba terhadap sifat fisik balsem stick jintan
- hitam (Nigella sativa L .) dan Aktivitas. Prosiding Kolokium Doktor Dan Seminar Hasil
- Penelitian Hibah, 1(1), 563–572.
Amalia, A, Yati, K. S, 2020, The Effect of Olive Oil , VCO , and Corn Oil with Adeps Lanae and
Vaselin Alba Variation to Physical Characteristic of Methyl Salicylic Stick Balm, Journal of
Current Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(2), 224–228.
Athaillah, A., Lianda, S. O, 2021, Formulasi dan evaluasi sediaan balsem stik dari oleoresin jahe
merah (Zingiber officinale Rosc) sebagai pereda nyeri otot dan sendi. Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Sciences, 4(1), 34–40.
Buhian, W. P. C., Rubio, R. O., Valle, D. L., & Martin-Puzon, J. J, 2016, Bioactive metabolite
profiles and antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extracts from Muntingia calabura L. leaves
and stems, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 6(8), 682–685.
Dwita, L. P., Yati, K., & Gantini, S. N, 2019, The anti-inflammatory activity of Nigella sativa balm
sticks, Scientia Pharmaceutica, 87(1), 1-7.
El-Adly, R. A., Bedier, A. H., Hussein, M. F., Ismail, E. A., El-emary, M. M, 2014. Jojoba and
Castor Oils as Fluids for The Preparation of Bio Greases: A Comparative Study, International
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(6), 755–762.
Hariyadi, D. M., Rosita, N., & Nugrahaeni, F. 2018. Formulation, characteristic evaluation, stress
test and effectiveness study of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expression of glutathione
loaded alginate microspheres and gel, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 24(4), 314-312.
Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2014. Farmakope Indonesia Edisi V, Kementerian Kesehatan RI Badan
Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan, Jakarta, 760-1556.
Kuo, W. L., Liao, H. R., Chen, J. J, 2014. Biflavans, flavonoids, and a dihydrochalcone from the
stem wood of muntingia calabura and their inhibitory activities on neutrophil pro-
inflammatory responses, Molecules, 19 (12), 20521–20535.
Lestari, P. M., 2019, Perbandingan VCO, Minyak Zaitun dan Minyak Jagung terhadap Sifat Fisik
Balsem Stick dengan Pengikat Vaselin Alba atau Adeps Lanae, Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia,
(2), 58–64.
Mahmoudi, S., Khali, M., Benkhaled, A., Benamirouche, K., Baiti, I, 2016, Phenolic and flavonoid
contents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of leaf extracts from ten Algerian Ficus
carica L. varieties, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 6(3), 239–245.
Maifitrianti; Landyyun, R. N, 2019, Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol 95% dari Daun Kersen
pada Tikus Putih Jantan, Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia, 16 (1), 1–16.
Nugrahaeni, F., Hariyadi, D. M., & Rosita, N, 2018, Partition coefficient and glutathione
penetration of topical antiaging: Preformulation study, International Journal of Drug Delivery
Technology, 8(2), 39-43.
Peoloengan, M., Komala, I., Salmah, S, 2006, Aktivitas Antimikroba dan Fitokimia dari Beberapa
Tanaman Obat, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, 974–978.
Siddiqua, A., Premakumari, K. B., Sultana, R., Vithya, Savitha, 2010, Antioxidant activity and
estimation of total phenolic content of Muntingia calabura by colorimetry, International
Journal of ChemTech Research, 2(1), 205–208.
Triswaningsih, D., Kumalaningsih, S., Wignyanto, Pratikto, 2017, Identification of chemical
compounds cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura) powder as a natural antioxidant, International
Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 10(5), 84–91.
Yati, K., Putri, L. D., Gantini, S. N, 2018, Minyak jojoba terhadap sifat fisik balsem stick jintan
hitam (Nigella sativa L .) dan Aktivitas. Prosiding Kolokium Doktor Dan Seminar Hasil
Penelitian Hibah, 1(1), 563–572.