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Green tea is one of a herbal nature which has been proved its special virtue anti acne. Green tea leaf
contains of 30-40% polifenol which is known as katekin has a characteristic as antimicroba.To make it easier
to use, the extrac etanolic of green tea leaf is made in cream formulation. The purpose of this experiment is to
know variation concentration effect of green tea etanolic extract in cream formulation to the physic and
antibacteria activity especially for the acne bacteria, also in spesific concentration will be find the best of
extrac etanolic green tea leaf toward physic characteristic and anti bacterial activity.
In this experiment, the thick extrac of green tea leaf is obtained by maseration way of the using 50%
etanol liquid. The cream is made in five formulas that is using the extrac etanolic of green tea leaf for 1%, 3%,
5%, 7% and 9% concentration with the modification formula of anti acne cream. Cream is tested the physical
characteristic including the homogenity , isolation percent, spreading, and adhesing and also for antibacterial
activity. The data is analysed by non parametric statistical using Kruskal Wallis test continued by doing Mann
Whitney test with 95% of trust capacity.
The result in this experiment showes that the cream of extrac etanolic form of green tea leaf in any
cream concentration have good homogenity and did not isolation. As biger concentration of cream extrac
etanolik of green tea leaf as a smaller spreading test and adhesing test but as a biger antibacterial activity
toward Staphylococcus aureus bacterial. Cream extrac etanolik of green tea leaf as a control positive in physic
characteristic and antibacterial activity is 7% concentration.
Key words : Green tea of extract etanolic, Cream, Physic characteristic test, Bacterial activity test.