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Kejek tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) is a green tea with high antioxidant content so that it has potentially cytotoxic activity. One of the toxicity tests of an extract is BSLT test using Artemia which are determined based on the number of larvae death. The purpose of this study was to determine the cytotoxic potential of kejek tea infusion against Artemia franciscana Kellogg larvae using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. This study was an experimental study using 150 larvae of Artemia with the test concentration divided into 5 groups, 1 negative control and 4 series of infusion concentrations, each concentration containing 10 larvae with three replications. The infusion concentrations used were 1000, 500, 100 and 50 ppm, respectively. Observations were determined on larval mortality 24 hours after infusion. The results of the probit analysis showed that the LC50 of infusion of Kejek tea leaves was 6.1317 ppm. This indicated that the infusion of kejek tea leaves had cytotoxic potential against Artemia larvae according to the BSLT method with a LC50 of < 30 ppm.


Brine shrimp BSLT Camellia sinensis sitotoksik teh kejek

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Author Biography

Dani Sujana, STIKes Karsa Husada Garut

Program Studi Diploma III Farmasi, STIKes Karsa Husada Garut


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