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Chemical Drug Substances (BKO) are added to herbal medicines by BPOM because it can cause dangerous side effects. The purpose of this study is to quantify the amounts of dexamethasone and paracetamol in herbal remedies for aches and pains. In Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency, four samples of herbal remedies for aches and pains were employed in the study at herbal medicine shop X. The experiment was conducted using a combination of qualitative analysis and TLC testing. The stationary phase was a silica gel GF254 TLC plate, while the mobile phase was paracetamol made with a combination of ethyl acetate, N-Hexane, and dexamethasone with chloroform.Quantitative analysis uses HPLC with a stationary phase in the form of a Zorbax ODS column 4.6 ID×250 nm (5µm) and the mobile phase is polar, namely using water and methanol and can be detected at a wavelength of 242 nm. The TLC test results showed the presence of BKO paracetamol with Rf values ​​in sample A of 0,46, B=0,46, and C=0,53. Meanwhile, the Rf of dexamethasone for sample A was 0,32, B=0,53, and C=0,58. The results of quantitative analysis for sample A were 25,59 mg/50 mg, B=19,32 mg/50 mg, C=9,40 mg/50 mg, and D=29 mg/50 mg paracetamol in herbal medicine powder. Meanwhile, herbal medicine B contains 19,95 mg/50 mg of dexamethasone and C=24,64 mg/50 mg for herbal medicines A and D which do not contain dexamethasone. It was concluded that the herbal medicine samples containing BKO paracetamol were in herbal medicines A, B, C, and D, while dexamethasone was only in herbal samples B and C.


Deksametason HPLC Jamu KLT Parasetamol

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