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Di Indonesia, handball merupakan olahraga kompetitif yang sangat populer saat ini. Olahraga handball dikategorikan sebagai olahraga yang memiliki risiko cedera yang tinggi dan permainannya memerlukan kombinasi kecepatan, kekuatan, daya tahan, ketangkasan, dan persiapan mental, serta ditandai dengan aktivitas intensitas tinggi dan kontak fisik antar atlet. Faktor risiko cedera yang terjadi pada atlet handball ini dikarenakan kekuatan otot yang rendah, teknik yang salah, kurangnya fleksibilitas, dan rehabilitasi cedera yang tidak memadai.. Pencegahan cedera pada atlet handball penting dilakukan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya cedera. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif, pemilihan subjek dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa atlet handball yang mempunyai kekuatan otot hamstring dengan kategori baik (7 atlet), kurang (3 atlet), dan buruk (4 atlet). Sehingga penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa otot hamstring pada atlet handball kota Surabaya memiliki kekuatan dan imbalance yang berbeda-beda.
Kata Kunci: profile, nordic hamstring, bola tangan
In Indonesia, handball is a competitive sport that is very popular today. Handball is categorized as a sport that has a high risk of injury and the game requires a combination of speed, strength, endurance, agility, and mental preparation, and is characterized by high-intensity activity and physical contact between athletes. The risk factors for injury that occur in handball athletes are low muscle strength, incorrect technique, lack of flexibility, and inadequate injury rehabilitation. Injury prevention in handball athletes is important to minimize the occurrence of injuries. This research uses descriptive research with quantitative methods, subject selection is selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of this study revealed that handball athletes had hamstring muscle strength in the categories of good (7 athletes), poor (3 athletes), and very poor (4 athletes). So this research shows that the hamstring muscles in handball athletes in the city of Surabaya have different strengths and imbalances.
Kata kunci: Profiling, Nordic Hamstring, Handball
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- Achenbach, L., Krutsch, V., Weber, J., Nerlich, M., Luig, P., Loose, O., Angele, P., & Krutsch, W. (2018). Neuromuscular exercises prevent severe knee injury in adolescent team handball players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 26(7), 1901–1908.
- Aktuğ, Z. B., Yılmaz, A. K., İbiş, S., Aka, H., Akarçeşme, C., & Sökmen, T. (2018). The Effect of 8-Week Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Hamstring Quadriceps Ratio and Hamstring Muscle Strength. World Journal of Education, 8(3), 162.
- Ardern, C. L., Pizzari, T., Wollin, M. R., & Webster, K. E. (2015). Hamstrings Strength Imbalance in Professional Football (Soccer) Players in Australia. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(4), 997–1002.
- Buchheit, M., Cholley, Y., Nagel, M., & Poulos, N. (2016). The Effect of Body Mass on Eccentric Knee-Flexor Strength Assessed With an Instrumented Nordic Hamstring Device (Nordbord) in Football Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 11(6), 721–726.
- Chavarro-Nieto, C., Beaven, M., Gill, N., & Hébert-Losier, K. (2022). Reliability of Repeated Nordic Hamstring Strength in Rugby Players Using a Load Cell Device. Sensors, 22(24), 9756.
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- Fieseler, G., Hermassi, S., Hoffmeyer, B., Schulze, S., Irlenbusch, L., Bartels, T., Delank, K.-S., Laudner, K. G., & Schwesig, R. (2017). Differences in anthropometric characteristics in relation to throwing velocity and competitive level in professional male team handball: A tool for talent profiling. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 57(7–8).
- Fredriksen, H., Cools, A., Bahr, R., & Myklebust, G. (2020). Does an effective shoulder injury prevention program affect risk factors in handball? A randomized controlled study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30(8), 1423–1433.
- Jones, P., Thomas, C., Dos’Santos, T., McMahon, J., & Graham-Smith, P. (2017). The Role of Eccentric Strength in 180° Turns in Female Soccer Players. Sports, 5(2), 42.
- Liu, H., Garrett, W. E., Moorman, C. T., & Yu, B. (2012). Injury rate, mechanism, and risk factors of hamstring strain injuries in sports: A review of the literature. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 1(2), 92–101.
- Luig, P., Krutsch, W., Henke, T., Klein, C., Bloch, H., Platen, P., & Achenbach, L. (2020). Contact — but not foul play — dominates injury mechanisms in men’s professional handball: A video match analysis of 580 injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(16), 984–990.
- Morato, A. G. D., Paramartha, I. M. E. A., & Wahyuni, N. W. S. (2023). Physiotherapy rehabilitation management on phase III of post-operative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with partial lateral meniscectomy: A case report. Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Comprehensive, 2(1), 9–19.
- Muhammad Heru, Bachtiar, & Wening Nugraheni. (2020). Evaluasi Perkembangan Prestasi Bola Tangan Kota Sukabumi Di Pekan Olahraga Daerah Jawa Barat Tahun 2018. Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 1(09), 641–648.
- Opar, D. A., Piatkowski, T., Williams, M. D., & Shield, A. J. (2013). A Novel Device Using the Nordic Hamstring Exercise to Assess Eccentric Knee Flexor Strength: A Reliability and Retrospective Injury Study. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 43(9), 636–640.
- Opar, D. A., Williams, M. D., & Shield, A. J. (2012). Hamstring Strain Injuries: Factors that Lead to Injury and Re-Injury. Sports Medicine, 42(3), 209–226.
- Rafnsson, E. T., Valdimarsson, Ö., Sveinsson, T., & Ãrnason, Ã. (2019). Injury Pattern in Icelandic Elite Male Handball Players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 29(3), 232–237.
- Ragia, S., & Saleh, M. Sh. (2021). Immediate Effect of Neurodynamic Tensioner Versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretch on Subjects with Short Hamstring Syndrome. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 89(6), 627–634.
- Risberg, M. A., Steffen, K., Nilstad, A., Myklebust, G., Kristianslund, E., Moltubakk, M. M., & Krosshaug, T. (2018). Normative Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle Strength Values for Female, Healthy, Elite Handball and Football Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(8), 2314–2323.
- Siahaan, J. (2015). Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Kemampuan Gerak Dasar Melempar dan Koordinasi Kelincahan melalui Pembelajaran Bola Tangan.
- Sunaryo, F. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Agility Hurdle Drill dan Agility Ladder Drill Terhadap Kelincahan Teknik Dribbling Pemin Sepk Bola Wanita Pelajar usia Muda. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani, 4(Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani).
- Timmins, R. G., Bourne, M. N., Shield, A. J., Williams, M. D., Lorenzen, C., & Opar, D. A. (2016). Short biceps femoris fascicles and eccentric knee flexor weakness increase the risk of hamstring injury in elite football (soccer): A prospective cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(24), 1524–1535.
- Van Dyk, N., Behan, F. P., & Whiteley, R. (2019). Including the Nordic hamstring exercise in injury prevention programmes halves the rate of hamstring injuries: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 8459 athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(21), 1362–1370.
- Zein, M. I., & Sudarko, R. A. (2020). Penilaian Muscle Imbalance dengan metode Functional Movement Screen pada atlet baseball sub-elite Indonesia. Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), 15(2), 83–87.
Achenbach, L., Krutsch, V., Weber, J., Nerlich, M., Luig, P., Loose, O., Angele, P., & Krutsch, W. (2018). Neuromuscular exercises prevent severe knee injury in adolescent team handball players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 26(7), 1901–1908.
Aktuğ, Z. B., Yılmaz, A. K., İbiş, S., Aka, H., Akarçeşme, C., & Sökmen, T. (2018). The Effect of 8-Week Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Hamstring Quadriceps Ratio and Hamstring Muscle Strength. World Journal of Education, 8(3), 162.
Ardern, C. L., Pizzari, T., Wollin, M. R., & Webster, K. E. (2015). Hamstrings Strength Imbalance in Professional Football (Soccer) Players in Australia. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(4), 997–1002.
Buchheit, M., Cholley, Y., Nagel, M., & Poulos, N. (2016). The Effect of Body Mass on Eccentric Knee-Flexor Strength Assessed With an Instrumented Nordic Hamstring Device (Nordbord) in Football Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 11(6), 721–726.
Chavarro-Nieto, C., Beaven, M., Gill, N., & Hébert-Losier, K. (2022). Reliability of Repeated Nordic Hamstring Strength in Rugby Players Using a Load Cell Device. Sensors, 22(24), 9756.
Festiawan, R. (2021). Terapi dan Rehabilitasi Cedera Olahraga [Preprint]. Open Science Framework.
Fieseler, G., Hermassi, S., Hoffmeyer, B., Schulze, S., Irlenbusch, L., Bartels, T., Delank, K.-S., Laudner, K. G., & Schwesig, R. (2017). Differences in anthropometric characteristics in relation to throwing velocity and competitive level in professional male team handball: A tool for talent profiling. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 57(7–8).
Fredriksen, H., Cools, A., Bahr, R., & Myklebust, G. (2020). Does an effective shoulder injury prevention program affect risk factors in handball? A randomized controlled study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30(8), 1423–1433.
Jones, P., Thomas, C., Dos’Santos, T., McMahon, J., & Graham-Smith, P. (2017). The Role of Eccentric Strength in 180° Turns in Female Soccer Players. Sports, 5(2), 42.
Liu, H., Garrett, W. E., Moorman, C. T., & Yu, B. (2012). Injury rate, mechanism, and risk factors of hamstring strain injuries in sports: A review of the literature. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 1(2), 92–101.
Luig, P., Krutsch, W., Henke, T., Klein, C., Bloch, H., Platen, P., & Achenbach, L. (2020). Contact — but not foul play — dominates injury mechanisms in men’s professional handball: A video match analysis of 580 injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(16), 984–990.
Morato, A. G. D., Paramartha, I. M. E. A., & Wahyuni, N. W. S. (2023). Physiotherapy rehabilitation management on phase III of post-operative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with partial lateral meniscectomy: A case report. Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Comprehensive, 2(1), 9–19.
Muhammad Heru, Bachtiar, & Wening Nugraheni. (2020). Evaluasi Perkembangan Prestasi Bola Tangan Kota Sukabumi Di Pekan Olahraga Daerah Jawa Barat Tahun 2018. Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 1(09), 641–648.
Opar, D. A., Piatkowski, T., Williams, M. D., & Shield, A. J. (2013). A Novel Device Using the Nordic Hamstring Exercise to Assess Eccentric Knee Flexor Strength: A Reliability and Retrospective Injury Study. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 43(9), 636–640.
Opar, D. A., Williams, M. D., & Shield, A. J. (2012). Hamstring Strain Injuries: Factors that Lead to Injury and Re-Injury. Sports Medicine, 42(3), 209–226.
Rafnsson, E. T., Valdimarsson, Ö., Sveinsson, T., & Ãrnason, Ã. (2019). Injury Pattern in Icelandic Elite Male Handball Players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 29(3), 232–237.
Ragia, S., & Saleh, M. Sh. (2021). Immediate Effect of Neurodynamic Tensioner Versus Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretch on Subjects with Short Hamstring Syndrome. The Medical Journal of Cairo University, 89(6), 627–634.
Risberg, M. A., Steffen, K., Nilstad, A., Myklebust, G., Kristianslund, E., Moltubakk, M. M., & Krosshaug, T. (2018). Normative Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscle Strength Values for Female, Healthy, Elite Handball and Football Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(8), 2314–2323.
Siahaan, J. (2015). Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Kemampuan Gerak Dasar Melempar dan Koordinasi Kelincahan melalui Pembelajaran Bola Tangan.
Sunaryo, F. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Agility Hurdle Drill dan Agility Ladder Drill Terhadap Kelincahan Teknik Dribbling Pemin Sepk Bola Wanita Pelajar usia Muda. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani, 4(Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani).
Timmins, R. G., Bourne, M. N., Shield, A. J., Williams, M. D., Lorenzen, C., & Opar, D. A. (2016). Short biceps femoris fascicles and eccentric knee flexor weakness increase the risk of hamstring injury in elite football (soccer): A prospective cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(24), 1524–1535.
Van Dyk, N., Behan, F. P., & Whiteley, R. (2019). Including the Nordic hamstring exercise in injury prevention programmes halves the rate of hamstring injuries: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 8459 athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(21), 1362–1370.
Zein, M. I., & Sudarko, R. A. (2020). Penilaian Muscle Imbalance dengan metode Functional Movement Screen pada atlet baseball sub-elite Indonesia. Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), 15(2), 83–87.