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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  1. Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak is open to the scientific community in the field of informatics. The proposed text should be a result of research and or development that has not been published in other publications. 
  2. The manuscript shall be sent to Open Journal System Submissions. 
  3. The manuscript of the study may be written in Indonesian or English, at least containing: (A). The title of the manuscript and the author's name without the title, with the primary author written in the first order if the manuscript is written by more than one person, complete with affiliated institutions and e-mail addresses; (B). Abstract no more than 200 words and keywords at most 6 words, both of which are formatted bold. For Indonesian texts, title, abstract and keyword writing should be presented in Indonesian and English. Keywords are key terms that represent a rigorous problem or rationale, using a semicolon for inter-keyword separators; (C). Introduction should contain the background, purpose, and identification of the problem, presented alineally (implied in paragraphs, not in the form of explicit details); (D). Research methods; (E). Discussion of research (concepts, research models, research data, analysis); (F). Conclusions and recommendations; (G). Bibliography; (H). Can be attached if necessary. 
  4. The manuscript of the research results, may be written in Indonesian or English, at least containing: (A). The title of the manuscript and the author's name without the title, with the primary author written in the first order if the manuscript is written by more than one person, complete with affiliated institutions and e-mail addresses; (B). Abstract no more than 200 words and keywords at most 6 words, both of which are formatted bold. For Indonesian texts, title, abstract and keyword writing should be presented in Indonesian and English. Keywords are key terms that represent a rigorous problem or rationale, using a semicolon for inter-keyword separators; (C). preliminary; (D). Discussion; (E). Conclusions and recommendations; (F). Bibliography; (G). Can be attached if necessary. 
  5. All parts of the manuscript, in the paragraphs of discussion, tables, and also graphs, shall be made in black and white mode (not color or grayscale). If necessary, image images can be presented grayscale, but not color. 
  6. The provisions of the layout of the journal include: (A). Journal script is written on A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with maximum page length of 10 pages. When submitted to Editor, the manuscript does not need to be given page number, header and footer; (B). All upper margins, lower margin, left margin, and right margin 25 mm, while header and footer 15 mm; (C). Title, author's identity, abstracts and keywords are created in a one-column layout. The main part of the manuscript is presented in a two-column layout, with a width of each 75 mm column, and a 10 mm inter-column spacing; (D). With Times New Roman letters, except for titles of 12 pts, all sections are written in 10 pts. The foreign term is written in italic; (E). The manuscript is written in one space. Add one space for each item, between the title and the author, between the abstract writer, between the abstract with the keyword, between the sub-chapters with the contents, between the image and the content, between the table and the contents, between the mathematical equations and the contents; (F). The numbering of chapters and sub-chapters is presented using a dotted arabic numeric structure; (G). Except for the abstract, the beginning of the paragraph the contents of the writing is written indented (first line indent) as far as 7.5 mm; (H). The mathematical equations are numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side (right-handed) column. The equations are written jut inside as far as 7.5 mm. For equations that are not possible to be written in 1 column, the writing can pass two columns, written at the bottom of the page and given the appropriate sequence number; (I). Writing mathematical symbols in the paragraphs of the contents of the text should not use the equation editor, but use the insert symbol; (J). The serial number and title of the table are written at the top of the table described. Example: Table 1, Table 2 (a); (K). The serial number and title of the image are written underneath the described image. Example: Figure 1, Figure 2 (a); (L). The title of the image and the title of the table are written in the title format (Title Case); (M). Between the image title with the image and between the title of the table with the table is given the distance as far as half a space; (N). The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name of referenced libraries. The writing of the elements of the literature follows the rules in the following order: (1) the author's name is written in the order of the last name, the first name and the middle name, without an academic degree, (2) the publishing year, (3) the title, (4) the name of the publisher, using a comma "," as a separator between the elements of the literature description; (O). All references listed in the bibliography should be referred to in the discussion, so the bibliography contains only the literature referenced in the discussion; (P). The statement in the discussion which refers to the literature is given a reference statement. 
  7. Editors reserve the right to edit the manuscript for the purposes of repair and layout settings, without changing the meaning of writing. For very basic and major improvements, Editor may request improvements to the author. 
  8. The rejection of the manuscript, the opportunity of improvement or the assurance of loading shall be notified in writing.