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Curriculum changes are needed to adapt education to the times. Since the covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face learning has been suspended. Online learning is an alternative used during a pandemic. This has an impact on learning loss so that the quality of learning decreases. Recovery of learning during the pandemic and post-pandemic Covid-19 is important to reduce the impact of learning loss on students. After the pandemic, the independent curriculum was launched which was a refinement of the 2013 curriculum which had only been implemented in several schools. The subject structure of the Merdeka curriculum for SMA level in Fese E or grade 10, all students get the same subjects. While in Phase F (grades 11 and 12), the subject structure is divided into 2 main groups, namely general subjects and elective subjects. Based on the provisions of the SMKA 2021-2022 curriculum structure, SMA Negeri 1 Kebumen prepares elective subjects (MPP) which are made up of 7 MPP packages. This study uses a clustering technique of student scores using the K-Means algorithm to obtain MPP package recommendations that suit student abilities. For each MPP package, clustering is carried out into 2 clusters with features in the form of predetermined subject scores. The result of this clustering is that each student gets a "yes" or "no" recommendation for each MPP package.


data mining unsupervised learning clustering k-means

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Author Biographies

Gustina Alfa Trisnapradika, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Program Studi Teknik Informatika , Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Wildanil Ghozi, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Program Studi Teknik Informatika , Fakultas Ilmu Komputer


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