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This study aims to describe the process of implementing the jogo tonggo policy in handling the
Covid-19 pandemic in Temulus Village, Mejobo District, Kudus Regency and to describe the
supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of the jogo tonggo policy in Temulus Village.
By using descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of the research conducted showed that
the implementation of the jogo tonggo policy in handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Temulus Village
which was analyzed using Edward III's implementation theory which consisted of 4 (four) variables,
namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure had gone well in
accordance with existing guidelines or SOPs. The supporting factors for this policy are support and
good coordination between all elements, including the Temulus Village Government, the Jogo Tonggo
Task Force, and the community, and a clear and well-structured division of tasks. However, in its
implementation there are still inhibiting factors such as inadequate facilities, limited budget, lack of
implementing incentives, and social sanctions that are still not firm from policy makers.

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  9. Peraturan perundang-undangan:
  10. Instruksi Bupati Kudus No. 130/01/2020 tentang pengaturan kegiatan masyarakat dan
  11. pembentukan Satgas Jogo Tonggo guna percepatan penanganan Corona Virus
  12. Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Kabupaten Kudus.
  13. SK Kepala Desa Temulus No. 141/6.1/2021 tentang perpanjangan pembentukan Satuan
  14. Tugas Jogo Tonggopenanganan Corona virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Desa
  15. Temulus Kecamatan Mejobo Kabupaten Kudus.
  16. Sumber Internet:
  17., diakses pada tanggal 11 Juni 2021 pukul 15.11.
  19. sebut-bupati, pada tanggal 11 Juni 2021 pukul 14.50.
  21. Covid-19.html, diakses pada tanggal 10 Juni 2021 pukul 21.00.