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Media flashcard dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas IV pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam pokok bahasan Fruits And Vegetables. Dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil evaluasi nilai rata-rata 85 dan hasil ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 86%. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas menggunakan media flashcard. Model penelitian meliputi beberapa tahap, yaitu Perencanaan (Planning), Implementasi Tindakan dan Pengamatan (Acting and Observe) dan Refleksi (Reflecting). Proses penelitian dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus yang terdiri atas dua kali pertemuan. hasil analisis data menyatakan bahwa, ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada nilai tes tiap siklus. Pada siklus I, siswa yang mendapat nilai lebih dari 75 sebanyak 23 (66%) siswa dengan nilai rata-rata yang dicapai 73. Pada siklus II siswa yang mendapat nilai lebih dari 75 sebanyak 30 (86%) siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 85.
Kata kunci: ptk, media flashcard, kosakata bahasa inggris
Flashcard can increase the mastery of vocabulary for fourth grade primary school in English subject for theme Fruits and Vegetables. It proved by the result of average score evaluation is 85 and the percentage of whole exhaustiveness is 86%. The method used in this Action Research is flashcard. Research Model covering some steps, they are Planning, Acting and Observe, and Reflecting. Research Process done in two cycles which consist of two meetings. Based on the analysis, there are significanse increase on test score in every cycle. In cycle 1, there are 26 (66%) students who get score more than 75 with 73 in itsaverage. In cycle 2, there are 30 (86%) students who get score more than 75 with 85 in its average.
Keywords: action research, flashcard, english vocabulary
Kata kunci: ptk, media flashcard, kosakata bahasa inggris
Flashcard can increase the mastery of vocabulary for fourth grade primary school in English subject for theme Fruits and Vegetables. It proved by the result of average score evaluation is 85 and the percentage of whole exhaustiveness is 86%. The method used in this Action Research is flashcard. Research Model covering some steps, they are Planning, Acting and Observe, and Reflecting. Research Process done in two cycles which consist of two meetings. Based on the analysis, there are significanse increase on test score in every cycle. In cycle 1, there are 26 (66%) students who get score more than 75 with 73 in itsaverage. In cycle 2, there are 30 (86%) students who get score more than 75 with 85 in its average.
Keywords: action research, flashcard, english vocabulary