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Karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis muatan IPA materi pokok sumber energi pada buku teks pelajaran tematik terpadu SD kelas IV tema 2 “Selalu Berhemat Energiâ€. Hasil kajian ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai referensi penggunaan dan revisi buku guru dan buku siswa Kurikulum 2013, terutama pada muatan IPA. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keberadaan muatan IPA pada buku guru dan buku siswa kelas IV tema 2 untuk subtema 1, 2, dan 3 berdasarkan Kompetensi Inti (KI) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD); Kajian ini menggunakan dasar lampiran Permendikbud Nomor 24 Tahun 2016 tentang Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar untuk menganalisis keberadaan muatan IPA. Pada kajian ini ditemukan beberapa hal, yaitu (1) muatan IPA hampir ada pada setiap pembelajaran, baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis pada KD, dari 16 kali pertemuan di tema 2 ini, muatan IPA ada dalam 14 kali pertemuan; (2) materi tentang energi alternatif nuklir belum dibahas di dalam buku teks pelajaran.
Kata kunci: analisis, muatan IPA, buku guru, buku siswa, Kurikulum 2013
The aim of this scientific paper is to analyze the Science content on main material of energy sorce in lesson textbook of integrated thematic for IV grade of MI (theme 2: “Selalu Berhemat Energiâ€). The results of this study can be used as a reference and teacher book revision and students' books in Curriculum 2013, especially on Science content. The purpose of this study is to analyze the presence of Science content on teacher book and student book for IV grade themes 1, 2, and 3 based on Core Competence(Kompetensi Inti/KI) and the Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar/KD). This study use basic attachment of Permendikbud No. 24 2016 about Core Competence and Basic Competence to analyze the existence of the Science content. In this study there are found some things, they are (1) Science content almost in every lesson, both written and unwritten on KD, of 16 meetings in this theme 2, Science content in 14 meetings; (2) material about nuclear alternative energy not discuss yet in textbooks.
Keywords: analysis, science content, teacher books, student books, curriculum 2013
Kata kunci: analisis, muatan IPA, buku guru, buku siswa, Kurikulum 2013
The aim of this scientific paper is to analyze the Science content on main material of energy sorce in lesson textbook of integrated thematic for IV grade of MI (theme 2: “Selalu Berhemat Energiâ€). The results of this study can be used as a reference and teacher book revision and students' books in Curriculum 2013, especially on Science content. The purpose of this study is to analyze the presence of Science content on teacher book and student book for IV grade themes 1, 2, and 3 based on Core Competence(Kompetensi Inti/KI) and the Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar/KD). This study use basic attachment of Permendikbud No. 24 2016 about Core Competence and Basic Competence to analyze the existence of the Science content. In this study there are found some things, they are (1) Science content almost in every lesson, both written and unwritten on KD, of 16 meetings in this theme 2, Science content in 14 meetings; (2) material about nuclear alternative energy not discuss yet in textbooks.
Keywords: analysis, science content, teacher books, student books, curriculum 2013