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Kata Kunci:kontribusi, filsafat pragmatisme, pendidikan
Article Details
- Arifin, Muzayyin, Prof. H., Med., Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, (Edisi Revisi), Jakarta: Bumi
- Aksara, 2003.
- Barnadib, Imam, Prof. Dr., Ke Arah Perspektif Baru Pendidikan, Jakarta: Depdikbud Dirjen
- Dikti PPLPTK, 1988.
- Beane, JA, Toepfer, CF.Jr, & Alessi, SJ. Jr, Curriculum Planning and Development, London:
- Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1994.
- Ditalia, Piazza, Curriculum Development in The Postmodern Era , USA: Patrick Slattery,
- Dunn, SG., Philosophical Foundation of Education (Connecting Philosophy to Theory and
- Practice) , New Jersey: Columbus, Pearson Merril Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River,
- Kneller, G.F., Introduction to The Philosophy of Education (Second Edition), Canada, John
- Wiley & Sons Inc., 1971.
- Miller, JP dan Seller, Wayne, Curriculum Perspectives and Practice, New York & London:
- Longman, 1985.
- Print, M., Curriculum Development and Design (Second Edition), Australia: Allen & Unwin
- Pty Ltd., 1993.
- Sadulloh, Uyoh, Drs. M.Pd, Pengantar Filsafat Pendidikan, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2004.
- Sukmadinata, N.S, Prof. Dr.,M.Sc., Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktek, Bandung:
- Remaja Rosda Karya, 2005.
- Titus, H.H, Smith, M.S, dan Nolan, R.T., Persoalan-persoalan Filsafat, alih bahasa (HM
- Rosjidi), Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1984.
- Yulaelawati, E, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran: Filosofi Teori dan Aplikasi, Bandung: Pakar
- Raya, 2004.
Arifin, Muzayyin, Prof. H., Med., Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, (Edisi Revisi), Jakarta: Bumi
Aksara, 2003.
Barnadib, Imam, Prof. Dr., Ke Arah Perspektif Baru Pendidikan, Jakarta: Depdikbud Dirjen
Dikti PPLPTK, 1988.
Beane, JA, Toepfer, CF.Jr, & Alessi, SJ. Jr, Curriculum Planning and Development, London:
Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1994.
Ditalia, Piazza, Curriculum Development in The Postmodern Era , USA: Patrick Slattery,
Dunn, SG., Philosophical Foundation of Education (Connecting Philosophy to Theory and
Practice) , New Jersey: Columbus, Pearson Merril Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River,
Kneller, G.F., Introduction to The Philosophy of Education (Second Edition), Canada, John
Wiley & Sons Inc., 1971.
Miller, JP dan Seller, Wayne, Curriculum Perspectives and Practice, New York & London:
Longman, 1985.
Print, M., Curriculum Development and Design (Second Edition), Australia: Allen & Unwin
Pty Ltd., 1993.
Sadulloh, Uyoh, Drs. M.Pd, Pengantar Filsafat Pendidikan, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2004.
Sukmadinata, N.S, Prof. Dr.,M.Sc., Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktek, Bandung:
Remaja Rosda Karya, 2005.
Titus, H.H, Smith, M.S, dan Nolan, R.T., Persoalan-persoalan Filsafat, alih bahasa (HM
Rosjidi), Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1984.
Yulaelawati, E, Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran: Filosofi Teori dan Aplikasi, Bandung: Pakar
Raya, 2004.