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This study was conducted to determine  social-economic characteristics
of farmers  and  inseminators, to determine the performance of beef cattle
reproduction in the implementation artificial insemination (AI) program,
institution of AI and to determine of income from  beef cattle farmers was used
AI and also factors influencing them. Respondents consist of 60 farmers and 33
Inseminators  were taken  by  using purposive  sampling. This research used
primary data and secondary data were taken by using survey method. Observed
variables were social-economic characteristic of respondent, performance of
beef  cattle reproduction (calf  weaning, postpartum mating,  service per
conception (S/C) and calving interval (C.I)), institute of AI and income of  beef
cattle farmers. This research use  analysis which consist of t-  test  to compare
performance of beef cattle reproduction between AI  program with natural
breeding and regression analysis to know the factors affecting of income level.
The result of research showed that calf weaning and C.I of AI at  t-  test have
significant difference compare to natural breeding, post partum mating and S/C
on AI and natural breeding shows insignificant difference.  Analysis result of
regression  showed F equal to 9.007 significant (P< 0.01) and coefficient of
determinant R2
equal to this 0.505 that mean 50.50% dependent variable can be
explained by free variable, while the rest 49.50% explained by other variables
outside. The factors that  significantly affected the option of  income are  farm
experience (P<0.01), cost of breeding (P<0.10), and dummy variable (P<0.01).  
The farm experience and  dummy variable had positive effect while cost of
breeding had negative effect.

Keyword : Insemination, Beef cattle, Performance of reproduction.

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