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The research was conducted to investigate doe productivity and kid
crop of Etawah Grade does under individual and group housing at Girikerto
village, sub district of Turi, Sleman  -  DIY Province. Material consisted of
farmers and their Etawah Grade does kept under individual and group housing.
Descriptive and analytic survey method were applied to collect data. Purposive
sampling method was applied to collect data. On average, 17 and 14 does and
their kids respectively for group housing and individual management system
were studied. Data  consisted  kid crop, litter size, kidding interval,  weaning
weight, and doe productivity. Descriptive analysis was kid crop and to compare
the kidding interval, litter size, weaning weights  and doe productivity  were
analyzed using Independent Samples T-test  to identify differences between
individual and group housing management systems.  The result showed that kid
crop at group housing management system were  225.7% it was higher than
those of individual management systems that is 176.6%.  Litter size and
weaning weight were no significantly differ, while kidding interval and  doe
productivity  differ (P<0.05) between both management systems.  It was
concluded that  doe productivity and kid crop  of Etawah Grade does under
group housing was better than individual management system.  

Keywords:  Doe  productivity,  Kid  Crop,  Etawah  Grade goats,  group  and  
Individual housing

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