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Marketing is an important aspect in running fishing business because it
is an economic activity that influences the fluctuation of fishermen’s income.
The production can be useless if the price is low, thus, marketing has to be
good and efficient. This research is about the efficiency of the marketing
system of fresh fish layang (Decapterus russeli) in the fish auction place.
Specifically, this research is to know : 1) the marketing system of fresh fish
layang in Tegal City. 2) the marketing margin of fresh fish layang in Tegal
City. 3) the distribution flow of fresh fish layang in Tegal City. 4) the reason
fishermen sell their products in the Fish Auction Place.
The method use in this research is descriptive analysis method, The registration
data and literature study. Based on the analysis, it is known that the marketing
system of fresh in the Fish Auction Place, seen from the marketing cost
calculation, purchasing price, selling price and profit is < 1, which means
efficient. And if seen from the marketing margin, the most efficient flow is
channel 4 (the 4th
channel). Meanwhile, the reason why fishermen sell their
Fish Auction Place is because of the guarantee that their product will be sold.
Fish is a product that is easily broken and rotten. Therefore, the guarantee that
the product will be sold, can minimize loss risk for fisherman.
Key word : Marketing Efficiency, Fresh Layang Fish, Fish Auction Place.
is an economic activity that influences the fluctuation of fishermen’s income.
The production can be useless if the price is low, thus, marketing has to be
good and efficient. This research is about the efficiency of the marketing
system of fresh fish layang (Decapterus russeli) in the fish auction place.
Specifically, this research is to know : 1) the marketing system of fresh fish
layang in Tegal City. 2) the marketing margin of fresh fish layang in Tegal
City. 3) the distribution flow of fresh fish layang in Tegal City. 4) the reason
fishermen sell their products in the Fish Auction Place.
The method use in this research is descriptive analysis method, The registration
data and literature study. Based on the analysis, it is known that the marketing
system of fresh in the Fish Auction Place, seen from the marketing cost
calculation, purchasing price, selling price and profit is < 1, which means
efficient. And if seen from the marketing margin, the most efficient flow is
channel 4 (the 4th
channel). Meanwhile, the reason why fishermen sell their
Fish Auction Place is because of the guarantee that their product will be sold.
Fish is a product that is easily broken and rotten. Therefore, the guarantee that
the product will be sold, can minimize loss risk for fisherman.
Key word : Marketing Efficiency, Fresh Layang Fish, Fish Auction Place.