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Meat, egg, and milk are represent yielded product by livestock. There
are very important as source of required animal protein to human life. These
days, resident of Indonesia amounting to not less than 250 million people.
There are of course require big enough livestock production also utilize to
fullfiil requirement of society to requirement of the animal protein. In effort  
ranch, feed have important role in determining growth rate as well as
determining amount and quality from yielded product by livestock. The feed
also represen the biggest production cost factor in effort ranch that is around
60-70% from production total cost. Considering is important of the feed, hence
needing the existence of serious attention to availibility of feed, so that earning
available a speel of, so that the effort ranch of people can continue to go
forward and expand to utilize can fullfill requirement of society to animal
protein. Therefore this writing aim to know efforts which can be conducted to
realize feed security in Indonesia utilize to guarantee the continuity of the
effort rench of people, so that we can fullfill requirement of society animal
protein self sufficiency.

Key words : Feed, security, Indonesia

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