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Poverty in rural areas is a central issue of national mitigation which can’t
be postponed and should be a priority in the implementation of social welfare
development. Lack of access to capital sources, markets and technologies, as well
as farmer’s organizations are still weak to be one of our problem. Optimizing the
potential of existing financial institutions could be an alternative source of funding
for farmers and rural communities, namely the development of MFIs. To that end,
this paper aims to identify the problems of MFIs, to analyzes the potential of
MFI’s which can use as basis for the future development strategy and key success
factors of empowerment MFI. From the discussion, MFIs development can be the
one of effective solution in reducing poverty with the help of the role and
intervention of various parties, both governmental, non-governmental and
community. This can seen from the success of the empowerment of MFIs that
have been implemented in Bangladesh, Philipine and China.

Keywords: MFI, Poverty, Rural.

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