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Banyumas Regency is one of the regency in Central Java that produce
coconut. Based on the data from Department of Forestry and Agriculture
Banyumas Regency showed that the amount of coconut production in the last
2008 were 12,597.74 tons. It showed that Banyumas has  enough potential in
developing the coconut commodity.  Recently, the waste of coconut in Banyumas
Regency is not used effectively, for example coconut shell is only being used as
charcoal for fish, satay and rubbering. Moreover, coconut shell still can be used as
useful product, example Coconut Shell Charcoal. The objective of this research
were explain the pattern and consistence of world market offer of coconut shell
charcoal in Banyumas Regency, to analyze the feasibility export and the ability of
entrepreneur to produce the of coconut shell charcoal in the village small industry
in Banyumas Regency, and to find out the complete procedure in export matter.  
Research method used was survey method. Research was conducted on
March until April 2009. Data collection was conducted by using the primary data
example interview, observation, and secondary data from Department of Forestry
and Agriculture of Banyumas Regency, literature and internet business gallery Data analysis were using descriptive analysis, feasibility analysis of
export as finansial, analysis of importir price offer and sensitivity analysis.
The result of analysis showed that Banyumas Regency has potency to
produce 120,000 kg Coconut shell charcoal every month.  That amoun showed
Banyumas Regency could export around 5 containers and continuously. The
demand trend happened in export opportunity of Coconut shell charcoal was fix
demand, because during six months there was demand for the similar product in
site business gallery Coconut shell charcoal in Banyumas Regency
was feasible to be exported because the price from importer was US$200 per ton  
(Rp2,200,00 per kg) it is still higher compared  with entire cost from Free on
Board (FOB) and  higher from the price offered by exporter was Rp.2,000.00 per
kg for 5 container delivery, so from the price of offering export was feasible to be
followed up. The appropriate procedure of payment to conduct the international
trade was by using the system of Letter of Credit (L/C). L/C that was requested by
the exporter is L/C which has the certainty level of payment that was Irrevocable
L/C because this L/C has certain agreement.
Keywords : coconut shell corcoal, letter of credit, export, import.

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