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The formulation of the Strategy Directive for Sustainable Agriculture Mitigation and Adaptation in Indonesia is very useful in the preparation of innovation, research and development of agricultural affairs, as well as input for the Long-term Development Plan (RPJP) document. This paper examines the formulation of the strategy through research using the Multi Dimentional Scaling (MDS) analysis method by mapping perceptions (perceptual mapping) that relies on Euclidian Distance between one dimension and another. The results of the MDS analysis followed by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis resulted in the formulation of a directive strategy for farmer empowerment through low carbon agricultural technology (Low Carbon) for climate mitigation efforts with a score of 0.201. These results can be used to determine agricultural programs and activities that are effective and efficient and able to anticipate disasters.
Keywords: Sustainability, Mitigation, Adaptation, Agriculture, MDS, AHP.
Article Details
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Haryono dan Irsal Las. (2011). “Mitigation Strategy and Agricultural Adaptation to Global Climate Change Impactsâ€. JOURNAL Biotek LIPI. Naskah Orasi.
Reuters, T. (2010). “Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Changeâ€. An International Journal Devoted to Science Engineering, Socio-Economic and Policy Responses to Environmental Change. ISSN: 1381-2386, (Print) 1573-1596).
Kavanagh, P. (2001). Rapid appraisal for fisheries (Rapfish) Project. Rapfish software description (for Microsoft excel). University of British Columbia Fisheries Center. Vancouver.
Kavanagh, P., Pitcher, TJ. (2004). Implementing microsoft excel software for rapfish: a technique for the rapid appraisal of fisheries status. Fisheries Center Method. Rev. 12(2):136-140.
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Eriyatno, S., Nurhayati, N., Pramudya, H. (2019). Sistem 4.0 Menjawab Tantangan Kejutan Teknologi. Jilid 1 edisi ke 1. Agro Indo Mandiri, Bogor.
Eriyatno, S., Kolopaking, L.M. (2019). Platform AGFIN 4.0 Sistim Pembiayaan Untuk Usaha Mikro Pertanian. Jilid 1 edisi ke 1. IPB Press, Bogor.
Sumardjo. (2010). Penyuluhan Pembangunan Menuju Pengembangan Kapital Manusia dan Kapital Sosial, mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Rakyat. Orasi Guru Besar IPB, IPB Bogor. 1. (2010), 2010.
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