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Educational institutions both formal, informal and informal are basically not only obliged to
improve academic quality, but also responsible in shaping the character of learners.
Pesantren as an Islamic education institution obviously has a big share in building the next
generation of the nation. The next generation of the quality of the nation is shown by the
increase in knowledge and the change of attitude and good personality. Good personality one
of them can be seen from the honest nature owned by the students who study in boarding
school. Cafeteria as a place to buy a goods needs students and students basically not only as
a place for students or students to eat or drink it, but more than that because students and
students who are directly in contact with the canteen, the canteen is a medium that is
appropriate to Train someone honesty. This research is a participatory action research.
Research subjects that researchers carefully is the students of boarding school Al-Hikmah
Semarang. Implementation of research carried out through the stages of planning,
implementation, observation and reflection. The research results obtained is the cultivation of
honesty values through the media canteen honesty in boarding school Al-Hikmah Semarang
effective implemented. This is based on the results of research conducted on cycle I and cycle
II. In cycle I can be seen that the santri honesty reaches 99% and in the second cycle the
honesty of the santri reaches 100%. Constraints faced in the cultivation of values of honesty
that is associated with some students are still awkward with the sale system in the canteen
honesty, there are some santri who do not know the currency and difficult to determine the
honesty of each santri.
Keywords: Honesty, Media, Honesty Cafeteria
improve academic quality, but also responsible in shaping the character of learners.
Pesantren as an Islamic education institution obviously has a big share in building the next
generation of the nation. The next generation of the quality of the nation is shown by the
increase in knowledge and the change of attitude and good personality. Good personality one
of them can be seen from the honest nature owned by the students who study in boarding
school. Cafeteria as a place to buy a goods needs students and students basically not only as
a place for students or students to eat or drink it, but more than that because students and
students who are directly in contact with the canteen, the canteen is a medium that is
appropriate to Train someone honesty. This research is a participatory action research.
Research subjects that researchers carefully is the students of boarding school Al-Hikmah
Semarang. Implementation of research carried out through the stages of planning,
implementation, observation and reflection. The research results obtained is the cultivation of
honesty values through the media canteen honesty in boarding school Al-Hikmah Semarang
effective implemented. This is based on the results of research conducted on cycle I and cycle
II. In cycle I can be seen that the santri honesty reaches 99% and in the second cycle the
honesty of the santri reaches 100%. Constraints faced in the cultivation of values of honesty
that is associated with some students are still awkward with the sale system in the canteen
honesty, there are some santri who do not know the currency and difficult to determine the
honesty of each santri.
Keywords: Honesty, Media, Honesty Cafeteria