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This study aimed to find out is there any influence of doing uphill acceleration run with a
slope angle of 10 degrees to acceleration results ran 30 meters at the athletics club Gelagah
Wangi Demak. The method used was experimental. The population in this study were all
sprint athletes at the athletics club Gelagah Wangi Demak. In order to achieve the objectives
of this study, the researcher used matchet subject design and the research instruments include
an exercise program of uphill acceleration run with a slope angle of 10 degree, a training
program of uphill acceleration run with a slope angle of 30 degree and the ability test to run
30-meter acceleration. The Data were analyzed using T test. The results of the study show that
the acceleration uphill training run with a slope of 10 degrees and 30 degrees can increase
the acceleration of sprint athletes at the athletics club Gelagah Wangi Demak. The results
also show that there are some differences in the increase of two groups, group I and group II.
It can be concluded that a training program of uphill acceleration run with a slope angle of
30 degree gives greater increase than the 10 degrees in the 30-meter acceleration. Based on
the result of this research, the writer expected to provide a solution for trainers in order to
increase the running speed in sprinting.
Key Words: uphill , acceleration run, athletics

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