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This article research results that describe the role of Confucianism in Singapore's political
advancement. The assumption that Asian values are eroded by Western values is not proven
in Singapore. Confucianism extracted into The Shared Values evolved into a national identity
and became the basis for the life of a state and society in Singapore. The role of
Confucianism is vital in Singapore's political progress because of one main thing, namely to
uphold the interests of the nation and state. When the interests of the nation and state are
placed as a priority, the community feels as one entity that strives to maintain national unity,
maintain harmony, and advance aspects of the country's life. This research uses documentary
research instrument, using library research technique (library research), that is by taking
data from books, articles, and internet. Design in this research use descriptive design, while
the analysis using Constant Comparison (Grounded Theory Research).
Keywords: Confucianism, The Shared Values, political progress

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