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Teachers have an enormous share to foster motivation learners such as learning using Thing
Paire Share (TPS). Enjoyable learning techniques, will make learners more enthusiastic in
following the learning process, so that students are able to think in pairs and share ideas or
ideas. Such a comfortable atmosphere and learning techniques are expected to transform
lazy, unenthusiastic, indifferent learners and do not show positive activities in the learning
process to be encouraged and grow the motivation of high learning spirit and optimal
especially in Indonesian language lesson. The purpose of national education should be
education to strive towards the implementation of optimal learning. Good teaching and
learning process is characterized by the spirit that grows from learners, both from within and
from outside so that the learner activities in the classroom well developed. Motivation to
learn becomes very important to have learners. Based on the above background, the
researcher in this study chose the title of Application of Think Paire Share Learning
Technique (TPS) in Improving the Motivation of Student Learning of Class VIII MTs Sabilul
Huda Cangkring. The results of experimental applying of learning with the technique of think
pair share (TPS) to improve the motivation to learn the Indonesian language indicates that:
(1) The teacher has a high enthusiasm to participate in implementing the learning by thinking
pair share (TPS) to improve student learning motivation, together with the researcher, (2)
The application of learning by thinking pair share (TPS) technique to improve student's
motivation can be applied well in MTs Sabilul Huda Cangkring (3) students look enthusiastic
and happy when applying of think pair share (TPS) increase learning motivation.
Keyword: Think Paire Share Learning Technique, Motivation

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