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This article describes the characteristics of language usage in badminton sport at MA Al
Irsyad Gajah Demak. The use of language in badminton also has its own characteristic that
is different from the term on other sports. The use of language in badminton a lot of influence
from the English language. Therefore, research on the use of language in badminton needs to
be done to solve linguistic problems in this sport. In this study used the method of presenting
the results of data analysis informally. The method of informal presentation is the
formulation with ordinary words even with technical terminology. The method used is the
result of data analysis will materialize the explanation that is related to the characteristics of
language usage, language function in badminton sport, and special vocabulary in badminton
sport. Explanation will description tangible sentences followed by giving meaning in detail.
Keywords: English language usage, Sociolinguistic, badminton sport

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