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Pada tahun 2015, Eropa menghadapi krisis pengungsi terbesar setelah perang dunia II. Hungaria sebagai salah satu negara Eropa, melihat fenomena ini merupakan sebuah ancaman bagi Hungaria dan masyarakatnya sehingga memutuskan untuk menolak semua kedatangan mereka saat mencoba mengajukan perlindungan internasional di Hungaria. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas alasan penolakan Hungaria terhadap kedatangan pengungsi di Eropa. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian diskriptif kualitatif dan untuk metode pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan studi keperpustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini, dalam kepentingan nasional, keputusan Hungaria dalam menolak pengungsi didasarkan bahwa pengungsi dapat mengguncang stabilitas keamanan dan perekonomian Hungaria, sehingga secara tegas pemerintah mengeluarkan serangkaian kebijakan yang mencerminkan sikap penolakan Hungaria dalam memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada pengungsi.
Article Details
- Juhasz, A. & Molnar, M. (2017). Refugees Asylum and Migration Issues in Hungary, Budapest: Political Capital
- Frankel, J. (1970). National Interset, London: Palgrave Macmillan
- Spanier, J. (1981). Games Nations Play: Analizing International Politic, New York: CBS College publishing
- Manevich, D. (2016). Hungarians Share Europe’s Embrace of Democratic Principle but are Less Tolerant of Refugees, minorities, International Political Values: Pew Research Center
- Evgenia. (2016) Hungary: Recent Legal Amendments Further Destroy Access to Protection, April-June 2016, Hungary: Hungarian Helsinki Committee
- Wike, R. & Stokes, B (2016). Europeans Fear Wave of Refugees Wil Mean More Terrosism, Fewer Jobs, International Political Values: Pew Research Center
- Horvanth, H. E. Z. (2021). Hungarian National Statement on Measures to Eliminate Internasional Terrorism, Pernanent Mission of Hungary: United Nations.
- Migration Policy Debates, (2015). How Will The Refugee Surge Affect the European Economy, Paris: OECD Publishing
- Amnesty Internasional, (2015). Fenced Out Hungary’s Violations of the Rights of Reffugees and Migrant United Kingdom: Amnesty International Publications
- Statistical Office of the European Communities, (2016). Record Number of Over 1.2 Million First Time Asylum Seekers Registered in 2015, diakses melalui AP#:~:text=In%202015%2C%201%20255%20600,that%20of%20the%20previous%20year AP#:~:text=In%202015%2C%201%20255%20600,that%20of%20the%20previous%20year, pada 15 Desember 2021, pukul 20.45 WIB.
- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, (2015). Over One Million Sea Arrivals Reach Europe in 2015, diakses melalui, pada 19 Desember 2021, pukul 15.30 WIB.
- EuropeNow, (2017). The “In Defense of National Idenitiy†Argument: Comparing the UK and Hungaria Referendums of 2016, di akses melalui pada 17 Mei 2022 pukul 19.35 WIB.
- Rick, Noack, (2015). Muslims threaten Europe’s Christian Identity, Hungary’s Leader Says, The Washington Post, di akses melalui pada tanggal 18 Mei 2022 pukul 07.20 WIB.
- Rebeca, Frost, (2019). The Force of Hungarian Identity, The Observer, diakses melalui, pada 20 Mei 2022, pukul 21.30 WIB.
- Reuters, (2016). Illegal Migration Clearly Linkedwith Terror Threat: Hungary PM, di akses melalui, pada 18 Mei 2022 pukul 01.00 WIB.
- Criag Spencer, Whats Populists Get Wrong about Migrants and Terrosism View, Euronews, diakses melalui pada tanggal 19 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB.
- Mark Trevelyn, (2015). Garet Jones, Which European Countries Offer The Most Social Benefits to Migrants, Euronews, diakses melalui pada tanggal 20 Mei 2022 pukul 15.30 WIB.
- Euronews, (2015). Hungary’s Hardline Stance on Refugees Benetif People Smugglers, diakses melalui pada tanggal 20 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB.
- Euronews, (2015). Hungary’s Orban Warns Economic Migrations Endangers Europeans, diakses melalui, pada 21 Mei 2022 pukul 01.00 WIB.
- Zsofia, Nagy & Vargha, (2020) Consintent Border protection has Helped Prevet Terrorist Attacks Interview with George Spottle Security Policy Expert, di akses melalui pada tanggal 15 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB
Juhasz, A. & Molnar, M. (2017). Refugees Asylum and Migration Issues in Hungary, Budapest: Political Capital
Frankel, J. (1970). National Interset, London: Palgrave Macmillan
Spanier, J. (1981). Games Nations Play: Analizing International Politic, New York: CBS College publishing
Manevich, D. (2016). Hungarians Share Europe’s Embrace of Democratic Principle but are Less Tolerant of Refugees, minorities, International Political Values: Pew Research Center
Evgenia. (2016) Hungary: Recent Legal Amendments Further Destroy Access to Protection, April-June 2016, Hungary: Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Wike, R. & Stokes, B (2016). Europeans Fear Wave of Refugees Wil Mean More Terrosism, Fewer Jobs, International Political Values: Pew Research Center
Horvanth, H. E. Z. (2021). Hungarian National Statement on Measures to Eliminate Internasional Terrorism, Pernanent Mission of Hungary: United Nations.
Migration Policy Debates, (2015). How Will The Refugee Surge Affect the European Economy, Paris: OECD Publishing
Amnesty Internasional, (2015). Fenced Out Hungary’s Violations of the Rights of Reffugees and Migrant United Kingdom: Amnesty International Publications
Statistical Office of the European Communities, (2016). Record Number of Over 1.2 Million First Time Asylum Seekers Registered in 2015, diakses melalui AP#:~:text=In%202015%2C%201%20255%20600,that%20of%20the%20previous%20year AP#:~:text=In%202015%2C%201%20255%20600,that%20of%20the%20previous%20year, pada 15 Desember 2021, pukul 20.45 WIB.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, (2015). Over One Million Sea Arrivals Reach Europe in 2015, diakses melalui, pada 19 Desember 2021, pukul 15.30 WIB.
EuropeNow, (2017). The “In Defense of National Idenitiy†Argument: Comparing the UK and Hungaria Referendums of 2016, di akses melalui pada 17 Mei 2022 pukul 19.35 WIB.
Rick, Noack, (2015). Muslims threaten Europe’s Christian Identity, Hungary’s Leader Says, The Washington Post, di akses melalui pada tanggal 18 Mei 2022 pukul 07.20 WIB.
Rebeca, Frost, (2019). The Force of Hungarian Identity, The Observer, diakses melalui, pada 20 Mei 2022, pukul 21.30 WIB.
Reuters, (2016). Illegal Migration Clearly Linkedwith Terror Threat: Hungary PM, di akses melalui, pada 18 Mei 2022 pukul 01.00 WIB.
Criag Spencer, Whats Populists Get Wrong about Migrants and Terrosism View, Euronews, diakses melalui pada tanggal 19 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB.
Mark Trevelyn, (2015). Garet Jones, Which European Countries Offer The Most Social Benefits to Migrants, Euronews, diakses melalui pada tanggal 20 Mei 2022 pukul 15.30 WIB.
Euronews, (2015). Hungary’s Hardline Stance on Refugees Benetif People Smugglers, diakses melalui pada tanggal 20 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB.
Euronews, (2015). Hungary’s Orban Warns Economic Migrations Endangers Europeans, diakses melalui, pada 21 Mei 2022 pukul 01.00 WIB.
Zsofia, Nagy & Vargha, (2020) Consintent Border protection has Helped Prevet Terrorist Attacks Interview with George Spottle Security Policy Expert, di akses melalui pada tanggal 15 Mei 2022 pukul 21.30 WIB