Rekonseptualisasi Keamanan Nasional - Post Pandemic Era
Intangible viruses have been changing allaspects in the order of human relations
where the air we inhale daily has been changed to be the battlefield of spreading of deadly
disease. Almost of the countries in the world have been infected this deadly pandemy,
including states of great, middle and small powers. They have attacked by 0.125
micrometer viruses, and for almost 20 months, the viruses have infected more than 200
million people around the world, four million of them are death.
Borders of states which have been hard guarded become defunct in preventing
the spreading of this disease. And state defences which have been built for many decades
pro to be meaningless.
The viruses attack human body, neither ballistic missiles nor bombers and
submarines. To understand this phenomena, in the context of national security, this
article will discuss how we should reoverview the concept of national securityand
reexamine ideas of traditional and non traditional national securities. How the pandemy
which has been making million of people death, can be the core in the concept of
national security.
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Lampiran 1 : Negara-negara yang terserang wabah COVID-19 dan Prosentase jumlah
korban meninggal per 100.000 penduduk