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Dana Desa memberikan kedudukan yang sangat strategis bagi desa. Dengan adanya Dana Desa yang jumlahnya sangat besar, pemerintah desa dituntut untuk mengelolah keuangan desa dengan bijak.. Ketika mulai terjadi pandemi Covid-19 Maret 2020 yang efeknya sampai ke kehidupan desa, maka pimpinan desa juga dihadapkan pada kebijakan yang dilematis, termasuk dalam alokasi Dana Desa. Di satu sisi, alokasi Dana Desa sudah dianggarkan untuk berbagai program yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya, namun di sisi lain juga desa perlu memikirkan penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19. Dilema ini juga dialami Desa Ngarap-Arap, Kecamatan Ngaringan, Kabupaten Grobogan Tahun 2020.
Kata Kunci: Dana Desa, Pembangunan Desa, Pandemi Covid-19
The Dana Desa (Village Fund) provides a very strategic position for the village. With the existence of a very large amount of Village Funds, the village government is required to manage village finances wisely. When the Covid-19 March 2020 pandemic began, which had an effect on village life, village leaders were also faced with a dilemma of policies, including in the allocation of Village Fund. On the one hand, the Village Fund allocation has been budgeted for various pre-planned programs, but on the other hand, the village also needs to think about overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. This dilemma is also experienced by Ngarap-Arap Village, Ngaringan District, Grobogan Regency in 2020.
Keywords: Village Funds, Village Development, Covid-19 Pandemic
Kata Kunci: Dana Desa, Pembangunan Desa, Pandemi Covid-19
The Dana Desa (Village Fund) provides a very strategic position for the village. With the existence of a very large amount of Village Funds, the village government is required to manage village finances wisely. When the Covid-19 March 2020 pandemic began, which had an effect on village life, village leaders were also faced with a dilemma of policies, including in the allocation of Village Fund. On the one hand, the Village Fund allocation has been budgeted for various pre-planned programs, but on the other hand, the village also needs to think about overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. This dilemma is also experienced by Ngarap-Arap Village, Ngaringan District, Grobogan Regency in 2020.
Keywords: Village Funds, Village Development, Covid-19 Pandemic