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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran kewirausahaan perempuan dalam proses pemberdayaan perempuan di Chittagong, Bangladesh. Studi ini meneliti hubungan antara bisnis perempuan dan pemberdayaan sosial perempuan. Sebanyak 160 responden diwawancarai selama fase pengumpulan data pertama (80 ibu rumah tangga non-usaha dan 80 ibu rumah tangga perusahaan). Berdasarkan kesimpulan penelitian ini, kewirausahaan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan perempuan dalam menentukan pilihan dalam keluarganya, khususnya di rumah. Selain itu, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perempuan pengusaha memiliki kontrol yang lebih besar atas sumber daya dan aset mereka daripada non-pengusaha (ibu rumah tangga). Mereka juga memiliki lebih banyak mobilitas sosial, keterlibatan politik, dan suara di rumah dan kesehatan keluarga mereka daripada wanita yang tidak bekerja. Di sisi lain, perempuan yang tidak bekerja dalam bisnis memiliki pengetahuan dan kesadaran yang lebih sedikit tentang perubahan iklim, penanggulangan bencana, dan hak-hak perempuan dibandingkan mereka yang melakukannya. Menurut temuan penelitian, memiliki akses cepat ke pinjaman pembayaran dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang menguntungkan sangat penting untuk kesuksesan bisnis. Penelitian lebih lanjut harus dilakukan di Chittagong, Bangladesh, di mana pendapatan rumah tangga perempuan signifikan untuk pertumbuhan sosial dan ekonomi.
Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Pengusaha, Bangladesh, Pembangunan, Pengambilan Keputusan, SDGs.
This research aimed to examine the role of female entrepreneurship in the process of female empowerment in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The study examined the link between women's business and women's social empowerment. A total of 160 respondents were interviewed throughout the first data-gathering phase (80 non-enterprise homemakers and 80 enterprise housewives). According to the conclusions of this study, entrepreneurship has a significant influence on women's ability to make choices in their families, notably at home. Additionally, this study discovered that businesswomen had greater control over their resources and assets than non-businesswomen (homemakers). They also have more social mobility, political involvement, and a say in their home and family's health than women who do not work. On the other hand, women who do not work in the business have less knowledge and awareness about climate change, disaster management, and women's rights than those who do. According to the research findings, having rapid access to a pay loan with favourable terms and conditions is critical to a business's success. More research should be done in Chittagong, Bangladesh, where household women's income is significant for social and economic growth.
Keywords: Empowerment, Entrepreneur, Bangladesh, Development, Decision Making, SDGs.
Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Pengusaha, Bangladesh, Pembangunan, Pengambilan Keputusan, SDGs.
This research aimed to examine the role of female entrepreneurship in the process of female empowerment in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The study examined the link between women's business and women's social empowerment. A total of 160 respondents were interviewed throughout the first data-gathering phase (80 non-enterprise homemakers and 80 enterprise housewives). According to the conclusions of this study, entrepreneurship has a significant influence on women's ability to make choices in their families, notably at home. Additionally, this study discovered that businesswomen had greater control over their resources and assets than non-businesswomen (homemakers). They also have more social mobility, political involvement, and a say in their home and family's health than women who do not work. On the other hand, women who do not work in the business have less knowledge and awareness about climate change, disaster management, and women's rights than those who do. According to the research findings, having rapid access to a pay loan with favourable terms and conditions is critical to a business's success. More research should be done in Chittagong, Bangladesh, where household women's income is significant for social and economic growth.
Keywords: Empowerment, Entrepreneur, Bangladesh, Development, Decision Making, SDGs.