ABSTRACT 2013 curriculum is a curriculum that has undergone many changes from the previous curriculum, namely the School-based Education Unit Level Curriculum. The 2013 curriculum uses a scientific approach in the learning process. The 2013 curriculum emphasizes scientific learning: 1. Learning Management, 2. Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning, which includes Pre-Scientific, Temporary Learning, and Post-Learning based on Islamic Religious Education, 3. Islamic Education Learning based on a Scientific Approach. 4. Improve student understanding. The results showed: Implementation of Scientific-based Islamic Religious Education in early learning on learning material, the core teacher of learning had made observations, question and answer, exploration, associating, and communicating, in the end providing follow-up activities in the form of homework to students. Evaluation of Islamic Religious Education learning, namely the 2013 learning assessment in the curriculum using authentic assessments that measure competencies ranging from competency in attitudes, skills, and knowledge-based processes not only results. The assessment is carried out using an authentic method, students are assessed on several aspects including daily tests, portfolios, observation, performance, assignments and semester tests. The impact of Scientific-Based Islamic Religious Education Learning is: creating a sense of responsibility among students, strengthening the closeness between students, teachers and students to work together to discuss subject matter. Keywords: Scientific Approach, Learning Management ABSTRAK Kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum yang mengalami banyak perubahan dari kurikulum sebelumnya yaitu berbasis Sekolah Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Dalam kurikulum 2013 menggunakan pendekatan saintifik dalam proses pembelajaran. Dalam Kurikulum 2013 menekankan pada pembelajaran Ilmiah: 1. Manajemen Pembelajaran, 2. Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, yang meliputi pembelajaran berbasis Pra Ilmiah, Sementara Pembelajaran, daan Pasca Pembelajaran berbasis Pendidikan Agama Islam, 3. Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam berbasis Scientific Approach.4. Meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam berbasis Ilmiah pada pembelajaran awal pada materi pembelajaran, guru inti pembelajaran telah melakukan observasi, tanya jawab, eksplorasi, mengasosiasikan, dan mengkomunikasikan, pada akhirnya memberikan kegiatan tindak lanjut berupa pekerjaan rumah kepada siswa. Evaluasi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam yaitu penilaian pembelajaran 2013 dalam kurikulum menggunakan penilaian otentik yang mengukur kompetensi mulai dari kompetensi sikap, keterampilan, dan proses berbasis pengetahuan bukan hanya hasil. Penilaian dilakukan dengan metode otentik, siswa dinilai pada beberapa aspek diantaranya ulangan harian, portofolio, observasi, performance, tugas dan ulangan semester. Dampak Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Scientific ini adalah: menimbulkan rasa tanggung jawab antar peserta didik, memperkuat kedekatan antara siswa, guru dan siswa dapat bekerja sama untuk mendiskusikan materi pelajaran. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pembelajaran, Scientific Approach, PemahamanDownloads
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