
  • Diah Wiat Rina Lilik Lailil Muna


Laws are rules that are standard and binding. In this case, this also applies to the implementation of the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative, which is a cooperative whose business activities include savings, loans and financing. So the rules need to be in accordance with sharia principles. In murabahah and Rahn Tasjily financing, there is an additional binding, namely a fiduciary guarantee, which is a debt and receivables agreement from the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative to customers which involves guarantees. The collateral is still under the control of the collateral owner. However, to ensure legal certainty for the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative, a deed is drawn up by a notary and registered with the fiduciary registration office. Relinquishment of the right to fiduciary security by the fiduciary recipient results in the elimination of the fiduciary security. However, in practice there are inconsistencies with the principles of the concept of agreements and fiduciary guarantees.

Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out the fiduciary guarantee regulations for murabahah and rahn tasjily financing which are not fully in accordance with sharia principles and customer security, and to find out the reconstruction of murabahah and rahn tasjily financing regulations which are in accordance with existing regulations.

The research results show that fiduciary guarantees are a reminder agreement for financing, the main agreements of which are the murabahah and rahn tasjily contracts. If the customer commits an act of default regarding the murabahah and rahn tasjily financing agreement which is bound by a fiduciary guarantee, the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Al-Hikmah Welahan Branch Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative will follow the principles of kinship, sharia arbitration and the judicial process. The results of the research show that fiduciary guarantees in murabahah and rahn tasjily financing are not fully based on sharia principles and security for customers is not fully guaranteed. Reconstruction of fiduciary guarantee regulations in murabahah and rahn tasjily agreements, namely in DSNMUI Fatwa No. 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Murabahah Financing and the provisions of Fatwa NO: 68/DSN-MUI/III2008 Rahn Tasjily and Law no. 42 of 1999.


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