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Penggunaan hand sanitizer serta penerapan pola hidup bersih dan sehat merupakan bagian dari upaya pencegahan dan pemutusan mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Salah satu intansi yang memiliki tugas untuk mensosialisasikan dan menggalakkan upaya tersebut adalah Puskesmas. Personil di Puskesmas memerlukan wawasan mengenai komposisi dan cara pembuatan hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan pelatihan proses produksi hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan kepada personil Puskesmas Penawangan Grobogan. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui tahapan uji coba proses produksi di kampus, dilanjutkan dengan proses pelatihan di puskesmas serta diakhiri dengan penyerahan produk hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan kepada Puskesmas Penawangan Grobogan. Uji coba proses produksi hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci dilakukan dengan menggunakan komposisi sebagaimana tercantum dalam ketentuan WHO. Proses pelatihan telah berhasil memberikan wawasan bagi personil di Puskesmas mengenai cara produksi hand sanitizer dan sabun cuci tangan. Produk yang dihasilkan telah diserahkan kepada Puskesmas Penawangan Grobogan guna mendukung upaya pencegahan dan pemutusan mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19. 

Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Hand Sanitizer, Sabun cuci tangan.

Abstract. The use of hand sanitizer as well as the healty lifestyle are parts of Covid-19 prevention and transmission chain breaking. Public health center (Puskesmas) is one of health institution having responsibility in informing and promoting of those efforts.  Public health centers need to be supported by the continous supply of hand sanitizers and handsoaps while the health workers should be sthrengthened by providing outlook on the chemical compostion and the procedure of the hand sanitized and handsoap production process. This paper reports the strenghtening efforts of public health center of Penawangan Grobogan by provide training to the health workers on the  chemical compostion and the procedure of the hand sanitized and handsoap production process as well as handover of the hand sanitizers and handsoaps to the public health center of Penawangan Grobogan. This community service was initially performed by producing hand sanitizers and handsoaps based on product compositions suggested by WHO. The service was followed by the training to the health workers on the  chemical compostion and the procedure of the hand sanitized and handsoap production process. The hand sanitizers and handsoaps were handed over to the public health center of Penawangan Grobogan.  

Keywords: Covid-19, Hand Sanitizer, handsoap.

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