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Dampak Covid-19 menimbulkan permasalahan yang sangat kompleks dan krisis yang luar biasa (extraordinary). Upaya pencegahan penyebaran virus Covid-19 dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia melalui kebijakan social distancing dan PSBB. Namun dampak Covid-19 tetap berimbas pada lesunya perekonomian dalam rumah tangga. Banyak UMKM tidak mampu membayar upah pekerja, karyawan dirumahkan bahkan diPHK. Di sisi lain, kebutuhan hidup dalam keluarga harus tetap berjalan, bahkan meningkat akibat efek pandemi Covid-19. Kondisi ini memantik inspirasi Ketua RT 02 RW 13 Dusun Ngaliyan, Kelurahan Kalongan, Ungaran, Semarang untuk mengadakan pelatihan pembuatan house hold product yang dapat untuk konsumsi sendiri, dan dapat dijual guna menyokong perekonomian keluarga. Dengan menggandeng Tim Pengabdian, pada hari Minggu, tanggal 27 Maret 2022 bertempat di rumah bapak Tomi Wibisono selaku Ketua RT, diadakan Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Piring dan Deterjen Cair bagi Ibu-ibu PKK setempat. Pelatihan dilakukan dalam tiga tahap kegiatan, yaitu penyuluhan dengan pemberian materi dan motivasi, pelatihan pembuatan sabun cuci piring dan deterjen cair, pelatihan pengemasan produk. Dalam pelatihan ini, setiap peserta mendapatkan dua paket bahan dan peralatan sederhana untuk pembuatan kedua produk tersebut. Setiap peserta diminta praktek secara mandiri dengan dibimbing dosen dan mahasiswa dari Tim Pengabdian. Hasil pelatihan kali ini menunjukkan respon positif dan antusiasme mitra. Mitra sangat bersemangat dalam berpraktek, dan berhasil membuat kedua produk tersebut dengan hasil yang baik, mitra termotivasi untuk membuat sabun cuci piring dan deterjen cair untuk dijual guna mencari peluang mendapatkan penghasilan.
Kata kunci: Â House hold product, pelatihan, PKK.
Abstract. The impact of Covid-19 has caused very complex problems and extraordinary crises (extraordinary). Efforts to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus have been carried out by the Indonesian government through social distancing and PSBB policies. However, the impact of Covid-19 still has an impact on the sluggish economy in the household. Many “UMKM†are unable to pay workers' wages, employees are laid off and even laid off. On the other hand, the necessities of life in the family must continue, even increasing due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This condition inspired the Head of RT 02 RW 13, Ngaliyan Hamlet, Kalongan Village, Ungaran, Semarang to conduct training on making house hold products that can be used for personal consumption and can be sold to support the family's economy. By cooperating with the Community Service Team, on Sunday, March 27, 2022 at the house of Mr. Tomi Wibisono as the Head of the RT, a Training on Making Dish Soap and Liquid Detergent was held for local PKK women. The training was carried out in three stages of activity, namely counseling by providing material and motivation, training on making dish soap and liquid detergent, training on product packaging. In this training, each participant received two packages of simple materials and equipment for the manufacture of these two products. Each participant is asked to practice independently under the guidance of lecturers and students from the Service Team. The results of this training show a positive response and enthusiasm of partners. Partners are very passionate about their practice, and succeeded in making both products with good results, partners are motivated to make dish soap and liquid detergent to sell in order to find opportunities to earn income.
Keywords: house hold product, training, PKK.