Self-confidence is an attitude of trust and confidence in one's abilities, which
can help someone view themselves positively and realistically so that they are able
to socialize well with other people. Learning success is a change that students get
after going through teaching and learning activities, the change in question is in the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Self-confidence is one aspect of a good
personality that every student must have because it greatly influences a student's
learning success. This research aims to determine the effect of self-confidence on
student learning success at MA Sultan Fatah Guntur Demak.
This research uses a type of field research using a quantitative approach. The
total population was 253 students by taking a sample of 38 students and the technique
used was simple random sampling. In this research there are two variables, namely
the independent variable and the dependent variable. The data used uses primary data
and secondary data. Then the data collection method uses questionnaires, observation
and documentation methods. The data analysis technique used is product moment
statistical analysis. The author processes the data that has been collected using the
SPSS 25 program.
The results of the research show that there is an influence of self-confidence on
students' learning success at MA Sultan Fatah Guntur Demak. The results of these
calculations show that there is a significant correlation between the variable self-
confidence (X) and student learning success (Y) with a sufficient or moderate level
of correlation. The research results showed that the r count was 0.564 at a significance
level of 5% or 1% with a total of 38 respondents at a significance level of 5% = 0.320
and a significance level of 1% = 0.413.
Keywords: Self-Confidence, Learning Success