Understanding of religion can be seen in the lives of people who are still
unfamiliar with traditional life, both in terms of the religious intensity aspect of
those who are still laypeople, the way or method of religion places more
emphasis on the emotional aspect, and the pattern of religious behavior tends to
be external (exoteric) behavior, and attitudes. religion is strong with traditional
nuances, therefore this research aims to find out the value of Islamic education
in the sea alms tradition in Morodemak village, Bonang subdistrict, Demak
district, to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors in the sea alms tradition
in Morodemak village, Bonang subdistrict, Demak regency.
The type of research that will be carried out is field research. The subjects in this
research are the people of Morodemak village, Bonang subdistrict, Demak
district. The object of this research is the sea alms tradition. The type of data
used is qualitative data. The data sources used consist of primary data and data.
secondary, data collection methods (interviews, observation and documentation)
and data analysis methods are qualitative descriptive analysis methods (non-
statistical analysis).
The results of the research show that: The value of Islamic education contained
in the sea alms tradition in Morodemak village, Bonang subdistrict, Demak
district, includes the value of Islamic education contained in the sea alms
tradition in Morodemak village, Bonang subdistrict, Demak district, including 1)
The value of monotheism/aqidah: traditional ritual ceremonies sea alms is a
symbol of obedience and gratitude to Allah SWT, 2) Worship value: reciting the
talil prayer together, 3) Moral value: community togetherness, mutual
cooperation, discipline, tolerance, keeping each other clean, strengthening ties
of friendship. , and 4) Community values: fostering harmony among fellow
citizens, distancing themselves from being left behind and improving their
welfare. The inhibiting factor in the sea alms tradition in Morodemak village,
namely the lack of support from religious figures in the Morodemak village
community, is one of the inhibiting factors in implementing the sea alms
tradition. This resulted in clashes or disputes between fishermen and religious
leaders in Morodemak village. Meanwhile, supporting factors in the sea alms
tradition in Morodemak village include religious beliefs, local cultural
traditions, economic prosperity, reciprocal relationships with the sea, spiritual
needs, cultural heritage and government regulations.
Keywords: Impact of implementing Dhuha Prayer,Spiritual Intelligence of Students