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  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author guidelines General requirements

  1. Manuscripts can be either research-based paper or conceptual paper on science, technology, economics, environment, and social in empowering the community.
  2. Manuscripts is in Bahasa Indonesia.
  3. A manuscript is an original work (not plagiarized) and has not been published in other journal or media, printed or electronic.
  4. The manuscript needs to be submitted online to Abdimas website through the Open Journal System (OJS) at
  5. Applying a “blind review” system, the manuscript should not state the author’s name, institution, and emails. Authors’ name, institution, and emails are stated during the author’s registration with OJS. For a convenient communication, it is advisable to include your active cell phone number when registering.
  6. The manuscript must be typed in a Microsoft Word, with 1500-5000 words in length. Click here for the template.
  7. Reference or bibliography should list 10 references minimum. The primary reference is at least 5. The manuscript should also refer to several research studies published in reputable journals (journal article reference). Specific requirements Article theme.

Abdimas articles bring up issues of science, technology, economics, environment, and social in empowering the community. We invite manuscripts from multiple disciplines and perspectives, including religion, education, psychology, law, social studies, enginering, economics, agriculture, pharmacy and health, etc.

Organization of the research-based articles consists of:

  1. The title, abstract (maksimum 200 words), along with 3-5 keywords
  2. Introduction, consisting of a description of research problems, aims, the summary of theoretical framework related to the inquired issues, relevant previous research, methods, research findings, and analysis. The introduction must be presented in a narrative form.
  3. Discussions
  4. Findings
  5. Closing, comprising of conclusion and suggestions or recommendations
  6. List of references

Manuscript writing

The title must be typed in all capital letters, bold, centered. The subtitle is all typed in small case letter. Each word starts with the capital letter, bold. Manuscript is typed in one spacing on A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm) times new roman 11 pts. Manuscript should consist of : title, authors and affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and references. You can download the template of manuscript here.

  • Title should be as simple as possible with the maximum of 20 words, representing of research topic. Beneath the title, write the full names and affiliations of the authors including mail and email addresses.
  • Abstract should not more than 200 words, containing brief background, objectives, method, and conclusions. Keywords underneath the abstract consist of five important words are written according to alphabetical order.
  • Introduction consists of background and objectives of the research presented clearly and concisely.
  • Methods describe in detail but concise about materials and methods used and should present the time and location of the research being conducted. Experimental design and instrumentation should be briefly described.
  • Results and Discussions consist of results, and highlight important points which need special attention. It is necessary to compare the results with other findings to provide guidelines for future research. Description of results and discussion may use tables and figures for clarification. Each table and figure must be numbered according to the order in the text. Title of table is presented above the table while title of figure is located below the figure.
  • Conclusion should be presented concisely according to objectives followed by recommendations.
  • References, All citations in the manuscript must be available in the references, and vice-versa. References must present in the alphabetical order in compliance with the author-date system. The references consist of at least 80% peer review journals up-to-date. Each article has a minimum of 10 references.