Tentang Jurnal Ini

International Journal of Management, Business and Social Sciences is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published by Management study program of Wahid Hasyim University Indonesia that aims to promote Management, Business and Social Sciences researchs and developments, and it provides a link between scientists and practitioners. The International Journal of Management, Business and Social Sciences has been identified in crossref with a DOI number: xx.xxxxx/ijmbs.

International Journal of Management, Business and Social Sciences is currently being accredited in SINTA X by The Directorate General of Research Empowering and Development, The Ministry of Research and Technology/ National Board of  Research and Innovation, The Republic of Indonesia under a decree No xxxx.

The scope of journal encompasses: Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Leadership & Organizational, Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, and Operational Management. 

The journal was first introduced in July 2022 and regularly published online two issues  a year May and November. The journal published at least 5 articles per issue.