1. Research Article
Research article consists of report on field experiments, analysis of secondary data and modeling.
2. Review Article
Review article is synthesis of primary references (particularly research article presented in peer review journals) for a special topic.
3. Language
Article is written in English (using proper American English language). The authors are responsible for spelling and grammar of the manuscript.
4. Publication Charge
There is no submission fee applied in Journal of Chemical Process and Material Technology. Each manuscript accepted for publication will be charged the cost of processing: IDR 400.000,- / article.
5. Revision by Authors
The authors are responsible for revision of the manuscript suggested by reviewers. The manuscript will only be published after the authors re-submit the revised manuscript by the deadline set by the Editorial Team.
6. Guidelines for Writing Manuscript
Manuscript is typed in one spacing on A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm) times new roman 11 pts. Manuscript should consist of : title, authors and affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements and references. You can download the template of manuscript here.
a. Title should be as simple as possible with the maximum of 20 words. The title should accurately, clearly and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper. The title must be brief and grammatically correct. Beneath the title, write the full names and affiliations of the authors including mail and email addresses.
b. Abstract should not more than 250 words, containing brief background, objectives, method, and conclusions. Keywords underneath the abstract consist of 3 - 5 important words are written according to alphabetical order.
c. Introduction of the manuscript should be written in good and grammatically checked English. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. It is not permitted to display figures and tables in this section. In the last paragraph, the author must state the objectives of the work clearly (Azis and Sulistyo, 2021). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Â
d. Methods describe in detail but concise about materials, Instrumentation and methods. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. For theoretical or computational work, this experimental section may be modified into Computational Details, which may include the Software, Algorithms, Equations, etc. It is not necessary to include the Materials or Instrumentations for a sole theoretical/computational work.
e. Results and discussion contain findings of research and their discussion. All findings must be supported by sufficient data. This part must answer hypothesis of the research stated in the Introduction. The actual results and discussion, supported by schemes, figures, graphs, tables, reactions, and equations. Figures, charts, tables, schemes, and equations should be embedded in the text at the point of relevance. All Tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-explanatory. In addition, the equation should be written using the equation.
Tables are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The title should immediately follow the table number at the head of the table. Tables should appear within the manuscript when mentioned and should not be grouped at the end. Abbreviations and linear chemical formulas may be used in headings and columns of tables.
Each table must have a brief (one phrase or sentence) title that describes the contents. The title should be understandable without reference to the text. Details should be put in footnotes, not in the title. Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the information presented in the text and figures. Tables should be simple and concise.
Structural Drawings
Structural formulas should be carefully drawn and numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text. Structures should be produced with the use of a drawing program such as ChemDraw or other similar software.
Figures are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Figures should appear within the manuscript when mentioned and should not be grouped at the end. Providing high resolution of figure is important to ensure good quality of manuscript. Provide the figures in clearer style and delete the unnecessary background and lines. It is highly recommended that figures/image/diagrams that might have been created in other software, e.g. Excel, AutoCAD, etc., or even the ones that are composed by various graphical components (textbox, arrows, shapes, etcs.) of MS Words itself be grouped and converted to PNG (highly  preferred) or an appropriate raster image format before  including them in final manuscript in order to stop the linking of figures back to its sources or to avoid the graphical components scattering over the pages. Captions for figures should follow on the same line as the figure number. The caption should be understandable without reference to the text. Ensure that any symbols and abbreviations used in the text agree with those in the artwork.
Chemical and mathematical equations are denoted by Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right side [i.e., (1), (2), etc.]. Such equations are referred to in-text as Eq. (1), and so on; and should be numbered consecutively. Mathematical equations must be typed and should be presented in the proper type style (i.e., italics, boldface, subscript, superscript, etc.).
f. Conclusion should emphasize the major interpretations and conclusions of the paper as well as their significance. The main conclusion must correspond to the objective of the research as a short conclusion, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
g. Acknowledgements. Generally, the last paragraph of the paper is the place to acknowledge people (dedications), places, and financing. The acknowledgment should be brief and must be written about the original supporters of the work and to the reputed institutions. The grant number of financial supports and sponsors must be provided.
h. References are placed at the end of the manuscript. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references. References must be up to date. It is recommended, for example, total reference is a minimum of 15 and up to date references (10 years old) is 80% from total references used. References should using references manager (zotero,endote, mendeley etc). The references to other literature that you have cited in your main text should be written in Harvard (author, date) style. All references must then be listed, in full, at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, irrespective of where they are cited in the text. Where there are more than five authors of a reference, list only the first three, followed by et al.