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Currently, with the development of information technology, it makes it easier for all industrial sectors, including the rental of wedding instruments. CV. Ria Dewangga Gubug is a company that rents out wedding party equipment. Information media facilities that are still not widespread and rental transactions that are still simple make company information less known to many people. Therefore, it is necessary to have an information system that provides all information and rental transactions that can be reached by the wider community. From the description above, the author is interested in creating a web-based information system design for wedding equipment rental using the waterfall system development method. It is hoped that this system can assist the company in processing customer data, transaction data. In addition, it makes it easier for the public to obtain information and in rental transactions.
Article Details
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Prehanto, D.R. dan Cahyani, D.K. (2016) “Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Peralatan Pernikahan Berbasis Web Studi Kasus Cv. Gamalama Wonokromoâ€. Inovate:Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Teknologi Informasi. Vol. 1. No. 1.
Pressman, Roger S. 2002, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, ANDI, Buku I, Yogyakarta.
Rahmansyah, M.R dan Pangaribuan, I. (2018) “Sistem Informasi Alat Pesta Berbasis Web Pada Cv. Barokah. Online.
Septian, 2011 “Trik Pintar Menguasai CodeIgniterâ€. Penerbit PT. Elex Media Komputido, Jakarta.
Wijayanto, D.P., Riyantomo, A. dan Budiyanto, N.E., 2018, Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Keuangan Berbasis Web Pada SMK NU Ungaran, Momentum, Semarang, 83-91.