Published: June 26, 2020
JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic economic studies published twice a year by Islamic Studies Development Center, Islamic Faculty, Wahid Hasyim University. The editor receives scientific articles in the form of conceptual script or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economic Sharia and Law theme which cover Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Marketing, also Behavioral Economics, Management, and Human Resources in Islamic perspective. This journal has become a CrossRef Member, therefore, all articles published by JURNAL IQTISAD: Reconstruction of Justice and Welfare for Indonesia will have unique DOI number. Journal Histori The journal Iqtisad is a place to express thoughts in the fields of economics, Islamic economics and law studies, both in Islamic law and in Islamic economic law. This journal is published by the Center for the Development of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Unwahas Semarang. The iqtisad journal was first published in 2014, initially the iqtisad journal only published a journal once a year. however since 2018 iqtisah journal has started publishing its journal 2 times in 1 year. The number of articles in the journal Iqtisad once published is 7 articles from both Wahid Hashim University authors, authors from other campuses and from foreign universities
Published: June 26, 2020