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Indonesian society has various cultures, ethnicities, religions and different economic levels. Multicultural education and religious tolerance are very important amidst increasing religious intolerance in the educational environment. The role of PAI teachers is absolutely necessary to realize multicultural education in state schools. The research aims to reveal the centrality of the role of PAI teachers in the practice of multicultural education in Wonosobo Regency public schools. To achieve this goal, this research applies a qualitative approach to state schools in Wonosobo district. The findings of this research identify that PAI teachers have a central role in the practice of multicultural education within the scope of their school. These practices include: role modeling, habituation, and taking action against bullying and intolerant behavior at school. This research contributes to the promotion and practice of multicultural education in educational environments nationally and internationally. This study provides recommendations for a more in-depth investigation into how educators view and apply multicultural values in the scope of education to achieve a peaceful and harmonious life.


Role PAI teacher Multicultural education Public schools

Article Details


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